Inspired by Yamada Ryosuke: Enchanting and Deceiving Inspired by Yamada Ryosuke's Asia no Yoru/Asian Night. Set in modern day Japan. Featuring two young teenagers who fall in love during a passionate flamenco dance. Enchanting. Teasing. Deceiving. Wanderer's latest tale. Enjoy. Glorious white light spilled from the floor-to-ceiling windows onto the lush green grounds that surrounded the immense white building. Laughter and chattering filled the night's air. People constantly came and go from the large oak doors, always guarded by two bouncers and a handsome butler. Ladies were dressed in fancy ballroom gowns; all of the finest material money can buy. Men were in tuxedos, resembling skinny penguins. Yet, no one knew the other except those with whom they came.Ladies were easier to recognise than the men with the colours of their dresses but the men were all decked out in the same way. Each had a mask to their faces either full masks, half masks or eye masks. Holding out his arm for his stubborn younger sister who grimaced at him but grudgingly slipped her hand into the crook of his elbow, he patted her small hand reassuringly. At fifteen, he was taller than most average boys his age but his sister had also inherited their father's genes and although she was two years younger than him, she was as tall as his shoulder and he stood at 5"7. His recently married father went in front of them with his newly wedded bimbo of a wife clinging onto his arm like a boa constrictor. She had been a model once, gracing the covers of all the most prestigious magazines the world had to offer but then, she had gotten greedy and you know what happens when models get greedy so the industry rid itself of her. After losing all her fame and money, she had hit on his father while he was still with his mother. His mother couldn't stand having the WOMAN around him and although she was a rational person, she couldn't take the slandering gossip that surrounded the family while her relationship with his father was on the rocks and she filed for divorced.Needless to say, his father signed the divorce papers instantly and less than a month had passed before he married the hyena-cum-boa constrictor. He resented his father for that and he hated HER even more for luring his father and putting his mother to shame for whatever she was doing.He shuddered at the times when he spent hidden up in his room because their front door was swarmed with paparazzi. His sister, Miyazaki Miyuki couldn't get her own privacy and had to close all blinds and lock all windows before she could change or even use the bathroom. He was happy that he had taken up kendo as a kid to fend off those who dared to intrude on his mother and Miyuki's privacy. At the moment, the muscles in his arm tensed to punch his father for being so stupid and to wring the skinny neck of that bitch. Miyuki sensed his anger and felt the muscles in his arm, patting his arm lightly and resting her head on his shoulder, slipped the hand from his elbow around his waist and squeezed."It's alright, Yuki. I won't do anything. I've got more self-control than you think," he muttered, kissing his sister lightly on the cheek.She grinned but kept her arm around his waist. Fueled with brotherly affection, he in turn slipped his arm around her waist and held to each other. At parties like this, he and his sister usually stuck together, preferring the company of each other to the crowd. They kept to themselves, only speaking to very close friends. At the top of the stairs, a footman took their invitation and waved them forward. Since it was a masquerade party, no names were to be announced but everybody instantly knew who the two who stood at the top of the stairs was. The golden couple.They weren't blond, for a fact but they were admired and idolised by their peers as they were in high status in society and they were gorgeous. They were feared and loved. Back stabbed and gossiped about. Everyone they met always had the little green man out whenever they were around not that they evoked jealousy intentionally. Also, their height made them stand out from the crowd. This party was actually a summer ball held by one of Ryuuto's closest friends but he was nowhere in sight. Standing at the base of the stairs, Ryuuto craned his neck to search the crowd for the dark haired wild child who had been with him since they were in their nappies. "Do you see Ryuzaki?" he asked Miyuki who was tapping her foot impatiently as she stared at the line of girls that sat along the edge of the dance floor, waiting demurely for someone to ask her to dance."Pathetic," she muttered, folding her arms across her pert chest. For a thirteen year old, she sure didn't look or act like one. "What's pathetic, Yuki-chan?" Ryuuto asked, steering his sister to the middle of the dance floor and picking up a waltz."Those girls sitting there and waiting for someone to dance with them. They should be the one starting the dance. Not sitting there like some angel and be demure.""Not all girls are like you, Yuki-chan and it's against social etiquette to do so."Miyuki just pouted childishly, having lost her verbal battle and focused on dancing and teasing the other guys with flirtatious and promise-filled smiles. "You really shouldn't lead them on like that, you know," Ryuuto laughed as the waltz ended and thousand guys flocked to his mischievous sister."I know but I enjoy the attention."Shaking his head, he left her to the guys, trusting his best friend-and the object of his sister's affections-to rescue her from the throng of eager men as he headed to the balcony and the cool night air. The crowd all took a breather from the waltz and even the orchestra had stopped playing. All to look up at the marble staircase to see the newly arrived. The couple who stood there took her breath away. All eyes were on them but they hadn't even made a grand entrance.There was no need for names. She knew exactly who they were. The height said it all. No one could be that tall at their age. She herself was only a few inches shorter than them but their regal presence made them tower over her. Her eyes were more drawn to the male, his extraordinary violet eyes shining through the gold half mask that he wore. She blended deeper into the crowd of teenagers that were all muttering among themselves as they descended the stairs. She was actually half-jealous of his sister. She had come here, dressed in a flaming red full-length gown that looked heavy but actually was draped in such a way that it looked like a fire and adding weight. It was actually light. Fine silk.She had sewn it herself, being less fortunate than those that surrounded her. Styled to show more skin than acceptable in society, it was Spanish-gypsy-styled and swirled around her legs with each step. She had actually worn the most daring dress around till the sister showed up. It was sleeveless with a tight bodice that enhanced the creamy texture of her skin. She hadn't bothered to throw on a wrap like most demure and rule-abiding girl would have worn. The skirt: short in the front and long in the back, made of smooth silk that floated around her legs with each step she took.She stepped onto the balcony and raised her face to the moon, taking off her black and red lace eye mask and smiled. Out here, no one would notice that she didn't belong here as long as she didn't show her face. Her unique features would instantly make her stand out. High cheekbones with no hint of aristocratic features and clear blue eyes. Not the face of someone who belongs in this place. "That's a very daring dress you are wearing," came a smooth silky voice from behind her. "No one besides my sister would have worn something like that."Without needing to turn around, she recognised the voice and even without the statement about his sister. She did not turn around but continued looking down at the green gardens, a thousand witty replies running through her mind. A smile graced her lips and it soon turned into a full grin. She quickly tied on her mask and settling on a casual but nonchalant reply, she turned around and was instantly stunned. He stood a few feet away from her, an adorable expression on his face and his hands tucked into the pockets of his pants. Never in her life had she been that stunned, unable to speak as he looked down at her. On the outside, she looked calm but her eyes showed her shock. He was even more beautiful up close. His hair, up close, was lighter in some parts and his eyes. Dear Lord, she could lose herself in them if she wasn't careful. Lifting her lips in a smirk to show that he had no effect on her, she slipped her hands demurely behind her back and dug her nails into the palm of her hand to shock her out of the dreaminess that she was feeling. Her smooth back shone a creamy white in the moonlight as she leaned against the balcony, the picture of pure demure perfection yet in such a daring dress that no one but his sister would dare to don. Her eyes shone a clear and sparkling blue turning a dark sapphire with the brilliant moon and her lips were full and was as if deliberately taunting him. The dress hung off fully feminine curves that his hands ached to touch and showed enough decolletage to send his blood pumping hotly through his body. He had not seen her around before and with the harsh features of her face, he knew she wasn't aristocratic. Usually, he didn't speak to anyone below him. Not that he was arrogant, but because he didn't know how to. They always had more fun, they were wilder and from what he heard, they were always nice. None of them back stabbed each other and they were always there when you needed them.He walked out onto the balcony and realised that she had removed her mask and was clutching it in her hand, dangling it by the red silk ribbon over the balcony like a cat would to a ball of string. He watched her silently but all he could see was the side of her face, her back and her mass of unruly light brown curls. Taking a huge risk, he complimented her dress and added the quip about his sister, walking closer to her back, almost pressing himself against her. God, she is tiny, he thought. She tied her mask back on and he felt dejected. He had so badly wanted to see her face and not only part of it. "Congratulations to your sister, then. No one else here would dare to show off so much skin," she muttered, flicking open her lace fan and demurely but flirtatiously, cooled herself down. "You are," he said, grinning handsomely, not knowing the effect that it was having on her already accelerated heartbeat. "I dare say you and my sister would get along perfectly."Instantly, her eyes hardened but it quickly disappeared into scorn and arrogance. She scoffed, snapping her fan shut and dangling it from her slim wrist, pushing away from the stone railing and strolling down the wide balcony. "I do not befriend people like you," she said, stonily, glaring at him. "So do not dare even suggesting I befriend your sister or anyone here."He chuckled. "Then what are you doing here at this party?" he asked, in a flash, dangerously close behind her. "What are you doing talking to me?"She turned around and glared at him directly in the eye, a blush creeping up her cheeks. Flustered for a moment, she squared her jaw and muttered, "You, Ryuuto, are just a coincidence."With that, she spun on her heel and flicked open her fan, stomping off. Ryuuto laughed and sighed to himself, running a hand through his hair. This girl is playing with me, he thought, running after her.He adored the blush. He loved the way that she could be so demure yet so feisty and tough. Just like Miyuki. She was grinning triumphantly. She had seen the look of disbelief on his face when she had told him that he was just a random coincidence. She had a feeling that most girls did not dare to speak that way to his face. Most of them just giggled girlishly and stared then swooned. Truthfully, she had also felt like swooning but her upbringing told her that it was stupidly feminine and annoying. Not to mention, pathetic.She heard his footsteps pounding the ground behind her as he ran to catch up with her. As he stood right behind her, he had a thousand witty things to say to her but when she turned around to face him, his mind went blank. She was smirking. Something most girls of his social status didn't do as they were too shy and demure to do so. "Are you following me or is there someone you want to meet going this way?" she asked, mischievously.Dumbstruck by her boldness, he didn't know what to say. Sure he was following her. But not deliberately. Something drew him to her and no matter how beautiful and feisty she was, it annoyed him that he couldn't control himself and walk away. "Are you going to answer me or are you going to stand there with your mouth opened like a fish out of water?" With that, she gave a very, very girlish giggle and walked away, humming softly and twirling her fan. With her back turned and walking away, determined on leaving the party as to not draw anymore attention to herself, she cursed herself for having managed to catch his attention. Not that it was a bad thing. She just knew that she shouldn't be here but when she was dared, she never backed out!Darn that stupid Kusaka for suggesting AND playing Truth or Dare, she thought, plucking a flower from a nearby bush and sticking it into her curls. As she descended into the vast maze-like garden, she heard the orchestra strike up a flamenco beat and she twirled in time to the opening music. "Could I have this dance?" came the same silky voice that she was avoiding. Spinning sharply on her heel to face the sleek body that she would die to taste, she conjured up a sharp retort but he stood there charmingly, holding out his hand for her to take. Smiling softly as his persistence, she slipped her hand into his and he instantly swept her into his arms. "One dance. And then I'll have to leave," she muttered, pressing her fingers to his mouth to shut him up as he got ready to protest.He nodded, smirked gorgeously and then spun her around, her heels making a sharp sound against the marble floor. Thousands of things ran through her mind as he twirled her around and swept her effortlessly across the garden, hidden from the eyes of those in the mansion. Maybe except for a certain handsome dark haired male with the greenest eyes ever and the female of whom he doted on and protected to no end. Her bare leg brushed against his jean-clad one and she tingled in all places forbidden. As the music grew more intense, so did the passion in the dance and their feelings. His fingers ached to explore her whole body. Thank God he thought with his head and not between his thighs. Her lips ached to be pressed against his soft and full ones. Her fingers ached to run up and down his broad chest, clothless. His hair brushed against her fingers. Soft as silk. His eyes were filled with something other than lust and desire. A slight admiration. She also detected rationality.His lips ached to taste that length of creamy skin that she called a neck. His fingers ached to remove the pins that held up her thick mass of hair and run through them. The muscle between his thighs throbbed painfully but he kept his head. Her perfume although subtle, fueled by the lust in him was overwhelming. A mix of spring blossoms and vanilla. The passion died down-only slightly-as the music ended and couples drifted off the dance floor and the lone couple in the gardens stopped, mainly due to the female. "Thank you," he whispered, his hand lingering warmly on her slim waist. Her hands rested on his broad chest as she caught her breath. She tilted her head back to look into his very violet eyes. "You're welcome," she said, under her breath. Gently, she shoved him away and peeled his hands away from her body. "I need to go.""Wait-"But she was already gone, her heels left behind as she ran into the maze, never looking back. "-can I get your name?" Ryuuto finished, in a daze. "Oniisan!" Miyuki shouted, a big smile on her face. "Dare? Dare? Who? Who? Who was she?"Ryuzaki trailed behind the bouncy thirteen year old, a smirk on his handsome face. Ryuuto smiled and ruffled his sister's hair. "Honestly, I have no idea," he muttered, heading for the front door."Hey! Where are you going?" Miyuki demanded, childishly, propping her hands on her hips. "Home.""You can't go home now. Dad and Boobie will kill you!""So, help me," Ryuuto said, grinning at his sister. "Ryuzaki, you send her home safely. Untouched."His best friend nodded with a grin and a wink. Ryuuto kissed his sister lightly on the forehead and then departed, with the feisty, fiery female on his mind. ~Darn, it's too long to continue. Erm, this has been procrastinated time and time again. I apologize for the hanging and non-descriptive state of the story~ RieRieKSLyn
Seventeen is Forever
A story of romance gone wrong but went so right. Friday night. Lights. Music. Fun. Reminisce. It was this theme park six years ago when Erin Darling first fell in love. With a boy two years her senior. It was even the same day. Flashes ran through her head, bringing a wistful smile onto her face. How she wished she could turn back time and redo everything. Kicking an empty aluminium can aside, braced herself on a rusty pole and hoisted herself over the barrier of the bumper cars attraction. Brushing off dust, she sat down on one of the bumper cars and sighed. She blushed lightly as she looked at him for the third time. Lifting her eyes and then looking away at the right moment, just like her friends had taught her. He smiled charmingly at her and her heart did a double flip. Her friends laughed, amused and then surrounded her, shuffling her away. Playing hard to get, that's what they called it. Honestly, she had no idea what to do when it came to things like this. She was the perfect child. Honest. Smart. Obedient. Demure. PERFECT.
She hated it. She wanted to be wild. To be free. To date boys. This trip to the theme park was the first of the rules that she would break. The second was to hang around with boys. And the third was to dress as she wished. "Erin, come on," Carly, her newest best friend said, yanking on her arm. She stared up at the gleaming roller coaster, meters above the sky and she trembled visibly. She might want to break rules but she wasn't up for conquering her fears just yet. She had a huge fear of heights and would never do anything that involved high places. The roller coaster was shaped like a dragon with a large mouth and eyes that glowed bright orange. It was dark green and it looked very dangerous. She wasn't taking any risks. "I think I'll sit this one out, Carly. I need to take a break for a moment. The last time I went on one, I puked all over my jeans," she lied, grinning inwardly. She had lied. She felt the thrill. She had never lied before in sixteen years of her life. It was new to her but Carly said she was a natural. Carly grimaced and looked down at Erin's jeans. It was her designer True Religion jeans, the newest pair. "Okay, maybe you should sit this one out," she muttered and then she ran off to the group of girls that waited impatiently by the entrance to the ride. She waved to them and then turned around, smiling happily to herself. Her parents had thought that she was over at Carly's place, studying for a math test on Monday but boy, were they wrong. She wrapped her arms around herself and giggled, laughing to the starry night sky. The thrill of lying to her parents was like an ecstasy. The feeling of breaking rules and not being controlled added to the happiness. For once, she was happy. Not happy in her mind. Happy in her heart. "Hey, Peek-a-Boo," came a deep voice behind her. She turned around to find the guy she had been giving suggestive glances too sitting on a bench, his irresistible smile lighting up his face. His teeth pearl white in the darkness. Behind him was a merry-go-round that played sweet carousel music and was golden with lights. She looked at him with a confused expression. "Were you talking to me?" she asked, stepping closer to him. "I don't see anyone here who kept giving me glances and sending me into wracks of shivers." Erin grinned and said, "Erin Darling." "Chase Pentrule." "I loved your music. Did you write it yourself?" Chase held out a hand and patted the spot on the bench next to him. "Everything's original. I write the lyrics while the band and I come up with the music together." "That's nice," Erin replied, staring at her fingers, her shy demeanour returning to her. Chase looked at her, hanging her head, her fidgeting fingers. He smiled. He had never seen a girl so shy yet so attractive. He knew that once he did anything with her, he would never be able to get enough. He had a feeling she was a virgin and being raised as a gentleman, he wouldn't take it from her. He wasn't that kind of guy. Taking her chin in his hand, he brought her head up to meet his eyes. "How old are you?" Averting her eyes from his, she said shyly, "I'm seventeen." "You don't seem to be sixteen." She laughed. "I really am. I swear." "I believe you. You seem so innocent it's hard to believe you're sixteen." She blushed. "I am that innocent. Right now, I'm going through a streak of rebellion and doing everything I can to disobey my parents." Chase patted her head and ruffled her hair. "This phase is an awesome phase. It feels good to rebel against your parents but one day, you'll going to regret it but that's part of growing up."
Erin smiled at that memory. He was right. She did regret rebelling against her parents as she had lost their trust and it had taken her two years and a half to regain it. Her grades had dropped drastically as she spent more time at clubs and parties rather than studying. She had managed to ace her SATs after she realised that she would have a terrible future if she didn't give up her wild streak. She leaned back onto the dusty seat of the bumper car and smiled dreamily. Good times, her past was. Her future and present? All she could see was drab gray and boring-ness. Folding her arms behind her head, she stared up at the dusty ceiling, looking at the metal that the bumper cars travelled on. She wondered why she even came to this place. She was drawn to this place as it was her last night here. In New York. She would be leaving for L.A. in a few days to finish her studies in scriptwriting and directing. Satisfied with being in the bumper car and soaking up memories, she got up and vaulted over the barricade, back into the cool night air. She was twenty-three. A grown woman yet she had never dated nor met with any guys. She had preferred solitude to the company of friends. In fact, she didn't have many friends. She had only a best friend whom she had lost contact with. She looked at the big rusty roller coaster and shuddered. She still had big fears of heights and roller coasters. That remained from my teenage days, I guess, she thought, grinning slightly.
Humming a gay tune, she laughed out loud with the ecstasy of her carefree days as a teenager and her days of rebellion. She jumped about and giggled, doing air splits and toe touches like a crazy fool. Over with the sudden adrenaline rush, she plonked down on the bench and titled her head backwards to stare up at the twinkling sky, reflecting her current emotions. Stretching, she turned around and another wave of flashbacks hit her.
This was the third time she had come here. All three times meaning to see him. Chase Pentrule. The quiet, intriguing nineteen-year-old who had from the first moment she saw him, captured her heart. All three times he was there, performing with his band. She would stand in the crowd and smile up at him and he would smile back and it felt like they were the only ones in the world. After the performance, both of them would hang around the park. Eat. Laugh. Romance.
That night, as they headed down to the beach for a midnight walk, he caught her staring at the carousel dreamily. She would stop and stare at the merry-go-round everytime they walked past but she never voiced her intentions to go on it but he suspected she wanted that so badly.
"You want to go on?" Chase asked, pointing to the merry-go-round.
Blushing as she realised that he had caught her looking, she shook her head. "No, it's okay." Chase ruffled her hair and wrapped an arm around her waist, gently pulling her to the line for the ride. "Don't lie, Erin," he said teasingly, pecking her forehead lightly. "I've seen you staring at it. Why don't you ever tell me you want to?" Erin turned a darker shade of red and stared at her toes, shrugging. "I guess...I guess...maybe...I wouldn't want to," she muttered, staring up at him doubtfully. "You never try, you never know, dear." Erin blushed and Chase grinned. He loved her innocence but unlike other men, he would never ever dare take advantage of her. He knew that she would no longer trust him if he ever did and he cared too much about her to let her go. Why? He had no idea. He was just drawn to her.
The line wasn't long and they soon got onto the ride. Erin, unleashing her inner child and the source of all her innocence chose a white horse with pink streaks in it's plastic mane. She climbed up easily enough although she was small for her age.
Chase jumped up onto the horse beside hers, a black one with gold plastic mane. As the carousel started and Erin's horse lurched forward, she clutched the golden pole tightly and eeped. "Are you okay?" Chase asked worriedly.
Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to take her on the carousel. Maybe she just liked the pretty patterns or the lights, he thought, watching her. She giggled childishly and grabbed his hand reassuringly. "I'm fine. I haven't taken a merry-go-round ride in ages so it kinda scared me for a bit," she muttered, her eyes glittering happily.
Chase laughed and then kissed her hand and she blushed. But. She didn't pull away. She just gave him a bashful smile and faced forward, her hand still in his.
Erin sighed dreamily and she stared up at the large carousel. Upon impulse, she got up and stood on the bench and jumped over the barrier, dusting her clothes as she landed into a heap of dirt and dust. With a triumphant grin, she circled the carousel, looking for the one that she had ridden the very night she had received her first mind-numbing kiss. She had barely managed to recognise it with all the dust that it was covered in but she did as the one next to it which Chase rode stood out from the rest of the other horses. Filled with childish energy, she hoisted herself onto the horse, the dust and dirt, dirtying the pair of jeans she wore and the dark green hoodie she wore. She was only a few inches taller than the last time she had rode it. Sitting sideways, she swung her legs as her memories took her backwards once more.
It was her fifth visit to the theme park. She had ridden everything here but the roller coaster. There was no way she was ever going to go on that thing no matter how much someone paid her to do it.
There he was. On the stage once more. Playing the song that he had written for her. It was a slow ballad and it made her shed a few tears with the task she had come here to do.
She stood in the crowd and looked up at him, smiling sadly as he pulled her up onto the stage. He had never done that before and it sent sparks coursing through her body. She almost wanted not to do it. Pinching herself mentally to wake up from the dream she was living, she stayed on the stage till he ended the song. He usually ended a performance with that song as Erin always made it in time just to hear it. Chase pulled her into a bear hug as the crowd dispersed as he jumped off the stage and lifted her into his arms. "You know, Erin. We might be getting bigger. We've just booked a show down at the Hard Rock Cafe. The owner thinks we're awesome and that we're privileged to be able to perform there."
Erin smiled slightly, her heart thudding with the task that she needed to perform before it was too late and her future, jeopardised. "Chase," she said, stepping in front of him. "I can't be your girlfriend right now." He was taken aback but then, he smiled. "I knew someday it would come to this." Now it was Erin's turn to be surprised. "You were?" Chase gave her one of his I'm-hiding-a-secret smile and slipped an arm around her shoulders. "Walk with me?" he asked, leading her to the beach. She didn't really much have a choice with him guiding her subtly but steadily. "You were never the one to actually have this rebellion streak going for so long," he muttered, running a hand through his dark brown locks. "You were too good to be able to carry it on for long. Sooner or later, you would realise what you were doing." He was right. She did realise when her mid-term paper results came back to her and she saw that she was on the verge of failing. She knew exactly why. She was hanging out too much with Carly and her friends. Going to parties. Skipping school. Cutting class. Flirting with boys. Hanging out in the malls. Staying out late. She didn't have time to study nor did she have time to finish any of her assignments. Her parents hadn't noticed. Yet. But sooner or later. They would and she would be finished. She wasn't going to tell her parents about her results as they knew that she would always score straight A's and that there was nothing to worry about. They had put their faith in her. When she said she was heading over to Carly's place to study or finish an assignment when she actually was going out to a party or to the mall or to meet Chase, they had trusted her and allowed her to leave.
Tonight, she had confessed everything to them and they had grounded her until she had managed to get into a college with prestige and finish her high school term with flying colours. She didn't blame them. They were right anyway. She had focused on having fun and not preparing for her future. Chase was only part of it. When she had told them about Chase, they didn't say anything harsh or even scold her. Her mother had shooed her father out of the room and gave her The Talk. Her mother had explained that she didn't mind her dating boys as long as she practised safety and didn't stray from her studies. "Listen, Chase," Erin said, stepping in front of him when they were away from the crowd and the noise. "I can't be your girlfriend anymore."
Chase raised an eyebrow and smirked. "I heard you the first time."
Erin sighed frustratedly and Chase saw that she didn't want to play games or joke anymore. He could see that this was difficult for her and him fooling around was going to make it worse. "Your parents found you out?" he asked, sympathetically.
Erin smiled sadistically. "No, my brain and conscience did," she said, sitting down on the dry sand. "I received my mid term paper results today and well, let's say that A's weren't present at all. I got guilty as I thought of the way I rebelled and forgot about my studies and had more fun. I told my parents about what I did and now I'm grounded. I don't blame them. It's for my own good anyway, even though I'm already seventeen and a grown adult.
"They didn't yell at me. I'm too old for yelling at but they did repeat over and over again that they were disappointed in me and that I should know better than to neglect my studies. I should know better than to befriend people like Carly. And worse, they gave me The Talk. Do you know how embarrassing it is?"
Chase sniggered but didn't say anything. Erin smiled a little. "I told them about you."
"They asked you to break up with me?"
Erin laughed softly. "Surprisingly, no. I thought I would get a good lecturing from my parents about hanging out with boys and the dangers that it would bring me but there was none. They said that they understood that this was a time in my life where I would be interested in boys. All they wanted was for me to be focused on my studies and they wouldn't mind."
Chase looked at her wonderingly. "You must be wondering why would I want to break up with you even if my parents allowed it."
Chase nodded and Erin laughed. "I want to get rid of this phase and never look back. I want to forget everything and start anew."
"You're getting rid of me?"
Erin didn't dare to meet his eyes. "It's okay," Chase muttered, slipping his arm around her shoulders. "I wouldn't have worked out anyways. I've got my own path and you've got yours. I have a feeling that we would never meet again."
Erin could tell he was dejected. "Don't say that," she said, sadly. "We'll still remain friends. Just not a couple."
Chase smiled. "You still got my number?"
Erin patted her pocket which contained her phone. "Forever and always."
Sitting on the horse, she smiled sadly. Those memories were great but she was kind of happy she had stored them away for a rainy day and ended the relationship. He was right. It would never work out. He had gotten discovered that very year he had split with her. Maybe if she hadn't split up with him, he wouldn't have been discovered. He had become globally known in the past few years and Erin was happy for that. Oh, who was she kidding? She was practically miserable. She had dated a few guys in the few years after her first breakup but none of them held the passion that she had always found intriguing in Chase. Her ex-boyfriends all lacked the passion that they had for their studies, their future and sometimes, she thought for her too. They seemed to date her just to get a kick out of dating a goody-two-shoes. She had dropped each of them before she could take it further and get things complicated. Face it, Erry. Chase was the only one who had ever sparked your interest and captured your heart and you let him go because you wanted to secure your future, her heart said. Her brain and sensibility countered, If you hadn't let him go, you would never have the reputation you have right now and only be labelled as a groupie to his band. That sentence of sense plucked and discarded her heart's regret. She didn't want to be a groupie. She wanted to be a lover. Someone she could share her life with, not just sleep with. As she hummed, she also realised that her memory had propelled something she had forgotten and shoved to the back of her memory storage for her entire life. The song he had written for her. " I met her eyes and sparkled in her gaze It shocked my heart, oh, I'm amazed The words beyonds that innocent smile Those I heard made everything worthwhile"
And then, it seemed as though she was propelled back to the past and she was there in the crowd. Staring up at the man she loved the most. She closed her eyes and savoured the memory. He was playing accoustic and his voice was low and enchanting. She could see a few girls in the crowd sigh dreamily up at him and she smiled even wider. He was hers and hers alone. She loved that memory. Then, a realisation jolted her to the present. He had never played accoustic. Not once had he ever played accoustic. Her heart thudded quickly in her chest. Although she was out of the memory, she still heard his haunting, soulful voice. She sat up straighter on the horse, the soulful voice growing louder and now, she could hear the strumming of a guitar. Feeling a spark of hope, she called out in a weak and barely audible voice, "Chase?" There was no response but the strumming and singing grew louder, healing together two broken pieces of her heart. She leaped off the horse and ran to the barricade, peering over it, looking for the figure that she knew would be Chase. No one else possessed a voice so pure that it could charm the snakes into eating out of his hand. It could also make the world fall in love with him. That's what had happened to her but she didn't regret it. In fact, she was lucky to have at least fallen in love once before devoting herself to her job. As she spotted the solid figure of her ex-but-unforgotten-boyfriend, she leapt over the barricade and strained her eyes to be sure. Standing in the bright moonlight, she looked exactly like an angel with her blonde hair falling around her like a halo. His heart clenched tightly in his chest at the sight of her. Oh, how much he had missed holding her in his arms. His mind took him back to their breakup. He had took it with nonchalance but on the inside he had bled for days. He had succumbed to alcohol to numb his mind and remove the image of her from his memories. It had worked and during that period of mourning, he had written his best songs and plus his gigs, he had managed to get discovered. In some way, she was be thanked for shooting him to fame. He had taken the breakup hard but he had never forgotten about her. She was constantly on his mind, haunting his dreams and his every working hour. Eventhough he had tons of girlfriends and was labelled as a playboy for life, he never felt anything more for them other than the sexual tug. He never got attached emotionally. The last time he did, he had his heartbroken and the very female who had done that was standing right in front of him, looking very much like an angel. The youthful innocence that she once possessed was gone. In it's place, the glimmer of maturity and deep mesmerising depths that spoke of sadness and unfulfiled pleasure. He had come here to relive those memories that were cast away just to feel the happiness that he once felt. Playing the song that he had wrote for her had added to the joy that he felt as he wallowed in his memories. He was only in town for a few days for a charity concert and this was one of the few times that he would ever be alone. He had managed to sneak away from the papparazi and his manager with the help of his band members. "Erry?" He had spoken the name out loud, the hand strumming the guitar dropped limp to his side. He didn't even realise he had spoken it until she lifted her head in his direction and he saw that there were unshed tears in her eyes. Without needing to hear her voice, he could make out the words she whispered, "Chase? Is it really you?" He took a tentative step forward and another till he stood right in front of her. Instantly, her features lit up as she stared up to his eyes. She was still as small as ever but maybe it was also because he had grown some too. "Erin Darling," he whispered as she ran her callused fingers over his face as if memorising his features. Satisfied with her exploring, she buried her face into his solid wall of a chest and sighed his name. "Chase Pentrule." Chase ploughed his hands into her silvery hair and gently lifted her face. "You didn't call. You never did," he muttered, depriving her of her response by pressing his lips against hers. A soft tendril of breath from a moan instantly escaped her lips and teased his as he licked her bottom lip. Pulling away, Erin muttered, "I never called anyone just for no reason. I don't even know why I own a cellphone." Chase laughed and kissed her forehead and rested his against hers. "I missed you. Eventhough I told myself to let you go, you haunt me day and night. All I think about is you," he muttered. "Can we sit down?" Chase's eyes widened with surprise and laughed. "Alright," he said, wrapping an arm loosely around her waist and directed her to the bench that she had sat on earlier. "You know, I always told myself that I had made the right choice in breaking up with you. If I hadn't, you wouldn't have shot to fame and I wouldn't have been able to be top in the state." Chase smirked the familiar way and Erin's heart contricted. "You know, Erry, that's true. I wouldn't have been able to right all those sad songs if you hadn't broken up with me." She stared at him, amused yet furious. "You are still as unbelievably sarcastic and arrogant." "You haven't changed a bit either." Erin smiled and then laughed, settling against his chest. "Can I ask you something?" she asked, titling her head backwards to meet his gaze. "Shoot." "Why did you come here?" Chase smiled and absently stroked her hair. "As you already know, I'm in town for a concert and sinced I'm being chased by papparazi and harrassed by my manager, I decided to escape her for peace of mind. "Also, this place makes me happy everytime I'm here. Memories start coming back and each one of you. Each one makes my heart sing. My pulse leap. My brain throb. This is the one place when I'm the happiest. What about you?" Erin shifted slightly on his lap and for a moment, he thought she was going to leave but she was just making herself more comfortable. "I'm leaving in a few days. For L.A. I'm pursuing a career in casting there." Chase sighed deeply and hugged her tighter. "What disadvantages are there to dating a rockstar?" she asked, smiling mischievously. "The crazy fangirls. The manager who will constantly glare at you especially since she's female. The long practices. Sleepless nights due to composing and writing. Travelling a lot. And the worse, being labelled as a groupie. Unless you become my wife." "Are you hinting at something, Chase Pentrule?" "Is it really obvious?" "Chase Pentrule. I will not marry you till I've secured my career." "Erin Darling. I was just joking." Erin snuggled. "Where you going next after New York?" "Exactly where you'll be." Erin didn't need to ask where that was. "After that?" "We begin our world tour in Japan." Erin sighed against him. "Will you be waiting for me when I return?" "If you are expecting me to. I will manage to find out if you've been unfaithful to me during your tour." Chase kissed the top of her head and wrapped his arms tighter around him. "I know you will." The night continued with endless chatter, filling in each other about their lives and ferverish kisses. Chase missed a show and a performance had to be cancelled but his band members did not divulge to his enraged manager on his whereabouts. Erin sat on Chase's lap with her arms around his neck and his arms around her waist. That's how they were found in the morning, still talking with no thinking of shut eye. This is Wanderer at her best. Much more interesting than the previous few. She hopes that every one would enjoy reading it as much as she enjoyed writing it. Lyrics are ripped from a poem written by Sweet Mae entitled Look Beyond. Wanderer modified it a little to suit the story. Original is:
Sparkles in that gaze Oh, I'm so amazed The words beyond that smile Just made everything worthwhile
Fabrication Of A Music Video
This is still title-less and still in the making. This tale is to satisfy craving since I haven't been telling many stories for the past few months. Edited to stand as a separate tale. Rain poured. Lightning cracked. Thunder boomed.
Inconspicuously, ten black-clad figures quietly bounded up the stairs. Their footsteps, drowned out by the plush carpet that covered the whole second floor. Each were of different sizes. Some were tall. Some were short. Most were slim but there was the occasional plump one. Yet, there was no mistaking, each had the curvy figure of a female but were dressed in male clothing, looking like they had just come from a concert performance.
Accessories dangled from slim necks. Glitter coated their clothing.
But, none of their faces were visible. It was either hidden by hoods of their trench coats, covered by harsh male hats or hidden by the shadows of their hair. To any normal passerby, it would look like they were a performance troupe returning from a night out yet they were far from that.
Their movements were shadowy and they moved with tentative footsteps, each placed carefully as so as not to make a sound. Rain dripped off their dark clothing yet they ran on with the grace and speed of a gazelle.
Although this floor of the palace-turned-hotel was unoccupied as it had been booked by an anonymous male, reserving all rooms.
Truth be told, there was no need to be reserving the rooms as the hotel manager did not have any keys for this floor. They would not be having the keys for a very long time. Breaking off into pairs, all ten entered separate rooms, panting hard as they shut the doors.
None of the rooms were locked as there was no need for that seeing as this floor was not to be ventured into. This wing was small, eight rooms on each floor. It suited them. Just the right amount to be safe as and also the right amount to be in small numbers. Separated but united. All at once. Shutting the door behind her, she flung herself onto the bed, the bag she carried thrown on the bed next to her. She ruffled the water droplets out of her hair and breathed hard, staring at the wall, trying to focus. Running wasn't something she was good at. She leaned against the wall and rested her arm on her propped up knee and rested her head against her chest, breathing steadily. Adrenaline rushes were never good and it had been so long since she had been on a chase like this.
Opening and shutting the door in a blink of an eye, she visibly relaxed. Her partner, flinging the bag that she carried onto the floor, she sat down on the bed and caught her breath. Pushing back the hood of her raincoat, she rubbed the water out of her wet hair, grimacing. She lay flat on the bed and stared up at the ceiling, watching the slowly spinning fan. Her partner flung the bag she was carrying onto the other bed and after drying off her hair with a lot of grumbling, settled into the chair at the desk and caught her breath, thinking back to the moments just before they had to leave. Tossing the bag she carried onto the bed, she sat down on it and tucked her head between her knees, breathing hard. She hadn't run like that since the last one and it had taken a toll on her after performing and then running for her life. She had been training all her life but after a long bout of rest, it was hard for her to get back on her feet. Grumbling about the rainwater which would damage her hair, her partner stripped off her soaking wet jacket and tossed it in a corner, heading over to the window to be on lookout. Her youth and innocence made her a useful member of their group. Being the youngest, she was the one everyone sought to look after as well as protect their charge. Entering the small but sufficient bedroom, she headed straight for the window, looking at the green, green grounds which would have been beautiful in the morning but now at night with all the running they had done, the grounds which were pitch black save for the electric lights screamed danger. Worse, with the ones that they had to protect in tow with them, it was harder for them to escape without drawing attention. Her trained eyes scanned the grounds for sign of the one obstacle in their way. She grinded her teeth in annoyance and impatience. This chase was useless and the only obstacle was being a nuisance but their charges were more important. She entered the room, flicking off her dripping wet hat and hanging it in the cupboard. She, being the most logical one did not fret but recalled what had happened, moments before they had to run, dragging along their charge. Staring at the mirror in the small, wooden closet, she thought, staring constantly into the mirror, her short hair sticking up in weird angles from the rain and being jammed into a hat. The eldest two of the group, they were the most calm, having been on many assignments but none as dangerous or as annoying as this. Grumbling about how their fans would be wondering about their untimely disappearance in the middle of their most famous single, the one with the dyed brown hair sat on the bed and rested her elbow on her propped up knee, not caring whether she dirtied the sheets or not. They weren't going to be there long. She stared out the window, absently, watching for sign of their obstacle. Her partner with the jet black hair, flung open the door to the bathroom and proceeded to dry her hair and clean up. She hated being dirty, having a minor case of OCD. She straightened her perfectly tousled hair and watched as the water pool in the sink. All sat in their rooms, waiting for the moment when they would receive orders from their head to be on the move once the pursuers had reached the hotel. The younger ones kept lookout while the older ones used their other senses to sense their presence. This place was not a hiding spot, merely a spot to catch their breaths and recuperate. Last but not least, their leader. Head of all their operations and the one in charge of their charges. She shoved the three charges they were supposed to protect into the room and shut it behind her. Leaning against the door, she panted hard, allowing her eyes to adjust to the darkness of the room to search for any hidden ambushes but when she found none, she visibly relaxed.
She flicked on the light switch which was next to the door and flipped her dripping wet hat that she loved so much off her hair and ruffled her light brown locks which by the look of it was dyed, getting rid of remaining water droplets.
Grumbling, she settled into a chair by the window and mused, leaving the three charges to clean up if they wished too. "Saaya," one of them said, from where he stood by the bed. He was the one with tousled hair and cute little beady eyes and precious pink lips.
"Yes?" she replied, sighing deeply. She was tired having performed and then running. Also, she didn't like abandoning her fans but duty always came before fame. "Where are we going this time?" another of them asked. This one had hazel brown hair, three braids braided into his short hair for their earlier performance.
She shrugged. "Depends where your stupid rivals chase us too. When we've finally got enough reinforcements and information, we'll fight back."
The three of them were tired and weary from all the running they had been doing for the past few weeks. They were three of the most popular members of a boy band and they had just figured out that their rival band has hired trained assassins to put them out of their careers forever.
There were no older than Saaya herself or the other members of her team save for the two eldest members who were only a few years older. They were all pretty boys and every single one of her team had huge crushes on them, including herself. But, well, work is work. You're not allowed to fall in love with anyone because you might end up protecting them instead of the one you're supposed to but in this case, well, in this case, it's different.
"It is always like this for you guys?" the shortest one of them all asked though he was not much taller than she was.
The corners of her lips lifted. "Not really. Running around with you guys isn't what we're quite used to doing," she replied, staring at the floor absently as if it was projecting her memories. "We also don't usually have trained assassins trying to kill us. And we don't have three charges to protect."
He smiled charmingly and Saaya's heart melted. "No, I meant if it was always beating the bad guys and being superstars."
She burst out laughing. "The being the superstars part as you now know is a cover but there are a few of us who sing well enough to secure that cover," she muttered, crossing her legs on the table in front of her in a very boyish manner. "But the beating the bad guys part, don't believe everything you see in the movies. Most of the time, they're fake."
The one with the braids patted him lightly on the back. "Cheer up." Lights flashed outside and three hooded figures walked up the driveway, oblivious to the rain that poured heavily outside. "God dammit," she cursed, pushing away from the window and stared at her partner who nodded in response, grabbing the bag that she had thrown onto the floor.
Both exited the room in a rush, heading for the last room on the hallway. As the lights flashed and the three hooded figures came into view in electric lights along the driveway, she tensed her jaw and pushed away from the window, heading to the last room on the floor. Footsteps echoed off the staircase and she pricked up her ears, grabbing her hat from the closet and jamming it on her head, she left for the last room. They were merely a few floors away. They had to move quick. The footsteps neared their floor and she looked up, flicking her eyes towards the door, straining her ears to pick up the sounds. She grabbed the bag from where it lay next to her on the bed and within a blink of an eye, left the room. Her ears picked up the steady and heaving footsteps of their pursuers and then she flicked her eyes to her partner who nodded, signaling that she too had heard. She grabbed the bag from where it lay on the bed while her partner grabbed her hat from where it hung on the back of the door and left. As their pursuers reached the floor below them, she looked up from where she was washing up in the bathroom and whipped her head around to look at her partner who nodded curtly and the both of them left. bang. Bang. BANG! Saaya knew it was time for them to run again. She had known that their rest period wouldn't be long but she didn't expect it to be this short. Gritting her teeth, she pulled open the door and gave orders immediately.
All of them were with their respective partners.
Grabbing the tiniest one, she handed him over to the eldest two, giving them specific orders on where they should meet up. None of them needed the instructions though since they had run them over so many times but Saaya felt safer doing it. With a wave of her hand, the two left, keeping him shielded between them.
The one with the sexy tousled hair, Saaya handed over to her best tactic planners, the two who were alone in different rooms. No partners. Those two didn't need partners. They were vicious and dangerous, their tactical plans, a work of genius. Handing him her jacket, she swung her bag over her shoulder and reached into it, pulling out a hat and jamming it on her head.
And the last one, the one with the braids, she handed over to her most logical team member and the one with the youthful innocence and her partner. "You all know where to meet. I'll be there shortly. The remaining two of you, cover whoever needs to be covered. If I'm not there in fifteen minutes, don't bother looking for me. I'll be fine. Run to next location. Beep my cellphone when you arrive."
Both nodded and left, covering up tracks and protecting their team members backs.
Saaya shut the door and settled back in the chair, a little smile on her face. She trusted her team members to get their charges to their meeting point with no trouble. She herself doubted that there would be any difficulties. Their pursuers were trained assassins, trained to shoot and kill, not track. They had trackers for that kind of job but it would take their trackers a few hours to track them.
Her team members were excellent at covering up their tracks, having been trained to do so. Each of her team were put together to make up the excellent team that they were. Each of them with their special abilities.
She, on the other hand, was excellent at foolery. She would lead on and on and on, until she disappeared into thin air. At the very brink of being either captured or killed, she would disappear without a trace. She heard the footsteps of frustration near her room. She sat in the chair, comfortably, staring at the floor, resting her elbow on the armrest and her fingers on her chin, nibbling at her fingernails. It was a habit that she had accquired recently with all the stress of the spotlight on their pop sensation and managing as well as performing. The pounding, angry footsteps stopped outside her room. She heard a gloved hand clutch the doorknob and turning it slowly. She could imagine the sadistic grins on their faces. Hah. As if I would allow it, she thought, hearing the knob turn fully and the soft creak as the door opened. Smirking sexily as the door creaked open another inch and then, she was gone. "God dammit," one of the hooded figures cursed, the voice sweet and feminine. "We lost them again. He's not going to be very happy with us. Again." No one noticed the remaining breeze that made the curtains at the window billow. No one thought of the possibility of escaping through the window as it was too high a jump and further more, the windows were closed. Rain. Thunder. Lightning. Triumph. Failure.
I know this might be a much better story than the one before which was hastily told and was very weak. This is based on Hey! Say! JUMP's Mayonaka no Shadow Boy video. If you watch it, you would see that there are many similarities. The three charges are: Chinen Yuuri; Yamada Ryosuke and Daiki Arioka. You figure out who is who. RieRieKSLyn
Infatuated With Danger Of a love that should never have existed yet has been forged. The good has always been attracted to the bad but has the bad ever been in love with the good? "I'm sorry. I know that this will hurt you but after keeping it in for so long, I need to say it. I'm sorry but-" Tears threatened to spill as my eyes prickled but I forced them down, determined not to cry no matter what happens. I knew that this would happen sooner or later. We had been very distant lately and he was less open to me and always cancelling our dates. Although I knew it would happen, I couldn't help but feel hurt. Again. This was my tenth boyfriend and once again, it has not worked out. It hurt, knowing that I could never find the one that I am destined to be with even if it was only through high school. "You're breaking up with me, Hikaru-chan?" I asked softly, meeting his eyes with a defiant stare. Both of us were far apart from each other on the school grounds. People were walking past us but all I could see was him. It was before school. I had arrived earlier than usual because I had wanted to surprise him as today was our one year anniversary. I thought he would be the one. The one who would finally love me. But I got hurt again. I should have known better. He didn't dare to meet my eyes, less confirm it. He kept his head down, staring at his shoes. That confirmed it even if his words didn't. "If you are going to be a coward and continue staring at your shoes, fine." I threw down the present I held in my arms and turned my back on him, determined not to cry till I made it out of the school compound.
"Stupid bastard," I muttered, picking up a piece of debris from the pier and flung it into the ocean. I had run until I could run no more. I had no either where I was running. Just running. Away from everything that meant to me. School. Friends. Pfft. I wonder if I still have them. I had been so caught up in Hikaru that I must have forgotten about my friends. What a rotten person I am. Angry at myself, I flung another rock into the ocean, watching it fall flat into the ocean. Sinking, further and further into it's dark depths. Just like how I felt. I watched the Sun shine in the sky, it's happy warm glow mocking me. I yelled out my frustration as I flung another piece of debris into the ocean. "Stupid jerk! You're just like every other stupid f-ker out there!" I yelled, tears streaming down my cheeks. This was the first time I had skipped school in a long while. When I had left middle school and entered high school, I was determined to leave my past behind and start anew. I was determined to turn over a new leaf, forgot whatever had happened in middle school.
I had wanted to put dating aside but somehow, I couldn't. I hadn't been as desperate as I was in middle school and only had two boyfriends-minus Hikaru-in my freshman and sophomore year but I couldn't ignore the fact that I needed to feel loved. I never received it at home as well, my parents couldn't care less about their teenage daughter. That's what happens when your parents are filthy rich and shower you with cash instead of love.
Grudgingly, I took out my purse and began ripping the very thing that made me miserable. I flung the scraps into the ocean as I yelled out my frustration and anger. "God dammit!" I cursed, watching the bits of paper floating on the surface of the ocean. "I hate you, Hikaru! I hate you!" Sunlight glinted off something shiny from my neck and without thinking, I yanked it off, cutting myself in the process but I didn't think twice about the pain. It wasn't as if I hadn't been through breakups before but I just couldn't take it anymore. I was upset with myself for being so stupid and desperate. I was mad at God for not allowing me to have lasting relationships. I was mad at Hikaru for breaking my heart. But most of all, I was mad at my parents for not loving me. Not caring about me. Maybe if I had gotten the love that I craved from home, I wouldn't be desperate to feel loved, to have a boyfriend. Then I wouldn't need to get hurt like this every time. My heart ached and I clutched it.
"Look what we have here, boys," came a low voice from behind me. "A little high school girl screaming profanities." At the sound of the voice, I turned around, my heart doing flips with fear. The voice screamed danger and as I looked at the group of five before me, it was obvious that they were danger. Yet, there was something that drew me to them. Especially the one in the middle.
Dressed in black skinny jeans, a white fur vest and a white long sleeved shirt. Pretty black-brown hair in messy spikes. Metal dangled from his neck and sunlight glinted off a piercing. Why I was drawn to him, that's something I would never be able to understand. His face was blocked by shadows as the sunlight behind his head blinded me. "She's pretty, Sawa-chan," one of the five said, squatting next to me, a innocent smile on his face. I scooted away from him but there was another one squatting behind me. I squealed and scooted away into the arms of the less dangerous looking one. The one who squatted beside me sat down on the concrete floor and shot me an irresistibly sexy smile. I knew better than to trust guys like him so I let the innocent looking one hold me since he did have a gentle iron grip around my shoulders.
"Kitsu-chan, I can see that," the one called Sawa-chan replied, teasingly. "A reason why I didn't leave her alone like you suggested." "But I didn't see that she was pretty from afar!" the one by the name of Kitsu-chan whined, nuzzling his lips against my neck in a playful, childish manner. Nothing suggestive. His lips came away with blood smeared on them. He licked his lips and eeped. "It's salty," he whispered, looking down at my neck.
Another one squatted down next to me and I tried to shy away but Kistu-chan held me, gently. He was even more dangerous looking that the other one but somehow, I recognised him. "Kana-chan?" I asked, squinting to get a better look at him under all the makeup.
He smirked and held my chin gently in his hand. I wrenched my head away and he clicked his tongue. "You're being bad. We have to punish you."
"Don't touch me!" I shouted, my legs kicking for him to be away from him. Kanashi. One of the most dangerous students in the school. And also in my class. Devilishly handsome. Exceptionally smart. Bad. Sexy. Gorgeous. The most dangerous of the group of three led by bad boy Sawatari, including the nicest and sweetest of the three, Yoshiro. "Leave her alone, Kana-chan. You're scaring her," came the familiar calm voice of Yo-chan.
"Yo-chan?" The innocently mature face appeared next to mine and I squealed out of fright. He smiled sweetly. Kanashi, with his hand still on my chin, gently turned my head and licked the blood off my neck. I yelped with the sudden sparks that coursed through my body from that tiny erotic gesture. Kanashi raised his head and kissed my jaw lightly. I pulled away from him and glared, angrily. I did not like the sensations that he sent through my body. "You taste sweet," he whispering, seductively.
I glared at him and clenched my fists. How dare he do that? He doesn't even know me. Personally, I mean. He hasn't even earned the right to kiss me, less lick me. "Stop scaring the crap out of her. The poor thing's so frightened that she's shaking," came the smooth voice of Sawa-chan. Elegant. Dangerous. Beautiful. "Shaking with fear? Or shaking with lust?" "You're sick, you bastard. You Are Sick, you f-king bastard!" I yelled at him, tears of rage streaming down my cheeks. How dare he do something that excited me so badly? "Well, Mitsuki-chan, I was born a bastard so I think that makes me one," he said, cockily. I hid my head in Kitsu-chan's arm and cried and he gently patted my back. "Oh, darn it, Kana-chan. You've made her cry," Yoshiro said, running his hands through my hair.
A gentle hand pried my head from the crook of Kitsu-chan's arm and brushed my tears away with the rough pad of his thumb. I pulled my head away and Sawa-chan's elegant voice shushing me followed. A gentle coaxing of his rough hands smoothing my hair from my head made me raise it.
Before I could even say anything, a pair of soft, dry lips pressed against mine and the sparks that Kana-chan had ignited flared into hot, steamy flames. Gentle hands pried Kitsu-chan's hands away and a pair of skinny but muscular arms wrapped around my waist, lifting me into a hard, broad chest.
I moaned softly and the pair of lips above mine formed a smirk. Sawa-chan ran his tongue against my upper lip, prodding me to open my lips. When I did not, he nibbled lightly on my bottom lip, causing me to gasp and that gave him the opportunity to stick his tongue into my mouth. Larger flames ignited as his tongue ran around inside my mouth, examining and coaxing responses from me. I was helpless in his warm embrace. Every part of my felt like I was on fire. Good fire, of course. I never wanted it to stop. A tingling and aching pooled in the area between my thighs and I squirmed. It was something new. Something I had never experienced in my life. Never with any of my boyfriends. None had ignited burning flames within me. None had kissed me with such finesse yet was able to make me yearn for more. It was interesting. I didn't want to give it up. Not just yet. Slinking my arms from where they lay slack on the concrete floor that was warm from the Sun-or maybe something else-around Sawa-chan's neck, I pressed his head harder and he applied more force on my lips, coaxing more tiny flames to spring up from places I never knew could feel so much pleasure. The best of all, the tingling and aching between my thighs was somehow the centre of all the pleasure shots that ran through my body. I slipped my hand into the long strands that curled just over the collar of his vest and sighed with bliss. They were so soft, silky, almost feminine that I was so absorbed that I didn't notice that I had knoted my fingers in his dark hair. "Oh, she kisses the playboy but not the sexy one?" Kana-chan muttered, good-naturedly.
"Kana-chan," Yoshiro said, a handsome grin on his face. "You're the playboy. And...the sexy one. Eh, Sawa-chan? I've no idea what he is." Smiling playfully, Sawatari broke from the kiss and looked up to a smirking Kanashi and a smiling Yoshiro. "Shut up, both of you," he muttered. "God dammit, Sawa-chan. Could you shut up and just kiss me?!" I demanded, pulling his head back to mine.
"You're feisty," Sawatari muttered, grinning into my eyes, planting feathery kisses across my forehead and down my temple to my cheek and lower to my jaw. "I'm going to make you pay." "You wish." "Oh, I'm not wishing. I'm doing." Kissing lower down my jaw and down my neck, nibbling till he found the spot that would make me moan out load. And he did, earning groans from the rest of them. "Get a room, bitch," Kana-chan groaned, smacking Sawa-chan hard on the head. "Get your own lady, bastard," Sawatari teased, running his hand through my hair. "This one's mine." "You're sick, Sawa-chan. Very sick. Disgusting," I muttered, shuddering from the gentle, erotic stroking at the nape of my neck. "Let's hope you're shuddering from pleasure and not disgust." I smacked him and he grinned, bringing his lips back to mine but it wasn't long before he travelled lower, leaving hickeys on my skin. "Okay, my innocent eyes do not want to see this," Kitsu-chan muttered, standing up. "I'm heading back to the warehouse."
"I'm in. I'm not going to see this," Yoshiro said, surrenduring.
"I'm disgusted," Kana-chan muttered, ruffling Sawatari's hair.
"You're just saying, Kana," Sawatari said, nibbling lightly on my earlobe.
And that's how we remained till nightfall, though we did make occasional trips to the warehouse where Sawatari's mob of gangsters met up when they were free to fetch blankets and pillows and a sheet to sleep on.
NO! Not that kind of sleep. That kind of sleep comes later when I really trust him.
Right now, we're sleeping under the stars and freezing to death but it's heaven. Blissful. Nothing I've ever felt with my ten ex-boyfriends compares to this kind of joy. I wonder if it is even legal to feel this happy.
Looking back, I wondered if I'd been denying myself all these years. I would look for love in all the obvious places but never in those places where it never would exist. Each time, I would feel complete. I would think 'Wow, someone finally loves me' but I'd never be happy. This is the first time I had ever felt so high. I felt like I was floating and it wasn't even with the guy that I had imagined. Sure, I had caught myself staring at him a few times in school and when he would return the stare, I felt the fluttering of butterflies in my stomach. It would be a normal reaction to a delicious looking piece of male but nothing more. That's what I would tell myself. Truth be told, I actually had a crush on him when I was in middle school. He was the only bit of my past that had entered into my present. Maybe I had been denying myself the luxury of falling in love with a bad boy. Instead, finding a boy that would provide me with all the luxuries in life but never would I be loved. I sat up from Sawa-chan's embrace and smiled up to the stars. They had finally granted my one wish and it wasn't even granted in the way I had hoped it would be but it came true all the same. "Mitsu-chan?" came his groggy voice, smooth and elegant even when it was filled with sleepiness. "Yeah?" I asked, looking back at his curled up form, his eyes bright from the moonlight. "Are you okay?" he asked, sitting up and running his hand through his hair. "Fine. Just fine." With that, I pushed him back onto the sheet and began tormenting his lips. His response was immediate. Sigh. Beautiful.
This was a lame attempt at writing a story. The original that I had in mind was much, much different than this but the one I had in mind could only be put into movie form and is quite tough to put into story form. Excuse the story. I felt compelled to write something and ended up with this piece of crap. Sigh. RieRieKSLyn
Inspired by Yamada Ryosuke: Enchanting and Deceiving Inspired by Yamada Ryosuke's Asia no Yoru/Asian Night. Set in modern day Japan. Featuring two young teenagers who fall in love during a passionate flamenco dance. Enchanting. Teasing. Deceiving. Wanderer's latest tale. Enjoy. Glorious white light spilled from the floor-to-ceiling windows onto the lush green grounds that surrounded the immense white building. Laughter and chattering filled the night's air. People constantly came and go from the large oak doors, always guarded by two bouncers and a handsome butler. Ladies were dressed in fancy ballroom gowns; all of the finest material money can buy. Men were in tuxedos, resembling skinny penguins. Yet, no one knew the other except those with whom they came.Ladies were easier to recognise than the men with the colours of their dresses but the men were all decked out in the same way. Each had a mask to their faces either full masks, half masks or eye masks. Holding out his arm for his stubborn younger sister who grimaced at him but grudgingly slipped her hand into the crook of his elbow, he patted her small hand reassuringly. At fifteen, he was taller than most average boys his age but his sister had also inherited their father's genes and although she was two years younger than him, she was as tall as his shoulder and he stood at 5"7. His recently married father went in front of them with his newly wedded bimbo of a wife clinging onto his arm like a boa constrictor. She had been a model once, gracing the covers of all the most prestigious magazines the world had to offer but then, she had gotten greedy and you know what happens when models get greedy so the industry rid itself of her. After losing all her fame and money, she had hit on his father while he was still with his mother. His mother couldn't stand having the WOMAN around him and although she was a rational person, she couldn't take the slandering gossip that surrounded the family while her relationship with his father was on the rocks and she filed for divorced.Needless to say, his father signed the divorce papers instantly and less than a month had passed before he married the hyena-cum-boa constrictor. He resented his father for that and he hated HER even more for luring his father and putting his mother to shame for whatever she was doing.He shuddered at the times when he spent hidden up in his room because their front door was swarmed with paparazzi. His sister, Miyazaki Miyuki couldn't get her own privacy and had to close all blinds and lock all windows before she could change or even use the bathroom. He was happy that he had taken up kendo as a kid to fend off those who dared to intrude on his mother and Miyuki's privacy. At the moment, the muscles in his arm tensed to punch his father for being so stupid and to wring the skinny neck of that bitch. Miyuki sensed his anger and felt the muscles in his arm, patting his arm lightly and resting her head on his shoulder, slipped the hand from his elbow around his waist and squeezed."It's alright, Yuki. I won't do anything. I've got more self-control than you think," he muttered, kissing his sister lightly on the cheek.She grinned but kept her arm around his waist. Fueled with brotherly affection, he in turn slipped his arm around her waist and held to each other. At parties like this, he and his sister usually stuck together, preferring the company of each other to the crowd. They kept to themselves, only speaking to very close friends. At the top of the stairs, a footman took their invitation and waved them forward. Since it was a masquerade party, no names were to be announced but everybody instantly knew who the two who stood at the top of the stairs was. The golden couple.They weren't blond, for a fact but they were admired and idolised by their peers as they were in high status in society and they were gorgeous. They were feared and loved. Back stabbed and gossiped about. Everyone they met always had the little green man out whenever they were around not that they evoked jealousy intentionally. Also, their height made them stand out from the crowd. This party was actually a summer ball held by one of Ryuuto's closest friends but he was nowhere in sight. Standing at the base of the stairs, Ryuuto craned his neck to search the crowd for the dark haired wild child who had been with him since they were in their nappies. "Do you see Ryuzaki?" he asked Miyuki who was tapping her foot impatiently as she stared at the line of girls that sat along the edge of the dance floor, waiting demurely for someone to ask her to dance."Pathetic," she muttered, folding her arms across her pert chest. For a thirteen year old, she sure didn't look or act like one. "What's pathetic, Yuki-chan?" Ryuuto asked, steering his sister to the middle of the dance floor and picking up a waltz."Those girls sitting there and waiting for someone to dance with them. They should be the one starting the dance. Not sitting there like some angel and be demure.""Not all girls are like you, Yuki-chan and it's against social etiquette to do so."Miyuki just pouted childishly, having lost her verbal battle and focused on dancing and teasing the other guys with flirtatious and promise-filled smiles. "You really shouldn't lead them on like that, you know," Ryuuto laughed as the waltz ended and thousand guys flocked to his mischievous sister."I know but I enjoy the attention."Shaking his head, he left her to the guys, trusting his best friend-and the object of his sister's affections-to rescue her from the throng of eager men as he headed to the balcony and the cool night air. The crowd all took a breather from the waltz and even the orchestra had stopped playing. All to look up at the marble staircase to see the newly arrived. The couple who stood there took her breath away. All eyes were on them but they hadn't even made a grand entrance.There was no need for names. She knew exactly who they were. The height said it all. No one could be that tall at their age. She herself was only a few inches shorter than them but their regal presence made them tower over her. Her eyes were more drawn to the male, his extraordinary violet eyes shining through the gold half mask that he wore. She blended deeper into the crowd of teenagers that were all muttering among themselves as they descended the stairs. She was actually half-jealous of his sister. She had come here, dressed in a flaming red full-length gown that looked heavy but actually was draped in such a way that it looked like a fire and adding weight. It was actually light. Fine silk.She had sewn it herself, being less fortunate than those that surrounded her. Styled to show more skin than acceptable in society, it was Spanish-gypsy-styled and swirled around her legs with each step. She had actually worn the most daring dress around till the sister showed up. It was sleeveless with a tight bodice that enhanced the creamy texture of her skin. She hadn't bothered to throw on a wrap like most demure and rule-abiding girl would have worn. The skirt: short in the front and long in the back, made of smooth silk that floated around her legs with each step she took.She stepped onto the balcony and raised her face to the moon, taking off her black and red lace eye mask and smiled. Out here, no one would notice that she didn't belong here as long as she didn't show her face. Her unique features would instantly make her stand out. High cheekbones with no hint of aristocratic features and clear blue eyes. Not the face of someone who belongs in this place. "That's a very daring dress you are wearing," came a smooth silky voice from behind her. "No one besides my sister would have worn something like that."Without needing to turn around, she recognised the voice and even without the statement about his sister. She did not turn around but continued looking down at the green gardens, a thousand witty replies running through her mind. A smile graced her lips and it soon turned into a full grin. She quickly tied on her mask and settling on a casual but nonchalant reply, she turned around and was instantly stunned. He stood a few feet away from her, an adorable expression on his face and his hands tucked into the pockets of his pants. Never in her life had she been that stunned, unable to speak as he looked down at her. On the outside, she looked calm but her eyes showed her shock. He was even more beautiful up close. His hair, up close, was lighter in some parts and his eyes. Dear Lord, she could lose herself in them if she wasn't careful. Lifting her lips in a smirk to show that he had no effect on her, she slipped her hands demurely behind her back and dug her nails into the palm of her hand to shock her out of the dreaminess that she was feeling. Her smooth back shone a creamy white in the moonlight as she leaned against the balcony, the picture of pure demure perfection yet in such a daring dress that no one but his sister would dare to don. Her eyes shone a clear and sparkling blue turning a dark sapphire with the brilliant moon and her lips were full and was as if deliberately taunting him. The dress hung off fully feminine curves that his hands ached to touch and showed enough decolletage to send his blood pumping hotly through his body. He had not seen her around before and with the harsh features of her face, he knew she wasn't aristocratic. Usually, he didn't speak to anyone below him. Not that he was arrogant, but because he didn't know how to. They always had more fun, they were wilder and from what he heard, they were always nice. None of them back stabbed each other and they were always there when you needed them.He walked out onto the balcony and realised that she had removed her mask and was clutching it in her hand, dangling it by the red silk ribbon over the balcony like a cat would to a ball of string. He watched her silently but all he could see was the side of her face, her back and her mass of unruly light brown curls. Taking a huge risk, he complimented her dress and added the quip about his sister, walking closer to her back, almost pressing himself against her. God, she is tiny, he thought. She tied her mask back on and he felt dejected. He had so badly wanted to see her face and not only part of it. "Congratulations to your sister, then. No one else here would dare to show off so much skin," she muttered, flicking open her lace fan and demurely but flirtatiously, cooled herself down. "You are," he said, grinning handsomely, not knowing the effect that it was having on her already accelerated heartbeat. "I dare say you and my sister would get along perfectly."Instantly, her eyes hardened but it quickly disappeared into scorn and arrogance. She scoffed, snapping her fan shut and dangling it from her slim wrist, pushing away from the stone railing and strolling down the wide balcony. "I do not befriend people like you," she said, stonily, glaring at him. "So do not dare even suggesting I befriend your sister or anyone here."He chuckled. "Then what are you doing here at this party?" he asked, in a flash, dangerously close behind her. "What are you doing talking to me?"She turned around and glared at him directly in the eye, a blush creeping up her cheeks. Flustered for a moment, she squared her jaw and muttered, "You, Ryuuto, are just a coincidence."With that, she spun on her heel and flicked open her fan, stomping off. Ryuuto laughed and sighed to himself, running a hand through his hair. This girl is playing with me, he thought, running after her.He adored the blush. He loved the way that she could be so demure yet so feisty and tough. Just like Miyuki. She was grinning triumphantly. She had seen the look of disbelief on his face when she had told him that he was just a random coincidence. She had a feeling that most girls did not dare to speak that way to his face. Most of them just giggled girlishly and stared then swooned. Truthfully, she had also felt like swooning but her upbringing told her that it was stupidly feminine and annoying. Not to mention, pathetic.She heard his footsteps pounding the ground behind her as he ran to catch up with her. As he stood right behind her, he had a thousand witty things to say to her but when she turned around to face him, his mind went blank. She was smirking. Something most girls of his social status didn't do as they were too shy and demure to do so. "Are you following me or is there someone you want to meet going this way?" she asked, mischievously.Dumbstruck by her boldness, he didn't know what to say. Sure he was following her. But not deliberately. Something drew him to her and no matter how beautiful and feisty she was, it annoyed him that he couldn't control himself and walk away. "Are you going to answer me or are you going to stand there with your mouth opened like a fish out of water?" With that, she gave a very, very girlish giggle and walked away, humming softly and twirling her fan. With her back turned and walking away, determined on leaving the party as to not draw anymore attention to herself, she cursed herself for having managed to catch his attention. Not that it was a bad thing. She just knew that she shouldn't be here but when she was dared, she never backed out!Darn that stupid Kusaka for suggesting AND playing Truth or Dare, she thought, plucking a flower from a nearby bush and sticking it into her curls. As she descended into the vast maze-like garden, she heard the orchestra strike up a flamenco beat and she twirled in time to the opening music. "Could I have this dance?" came the same silky voice that she was avoiding. Spinning sharply on her heel to face the sleek body that she would die to taste, she conjured up a sharp retort but he stood there charmingly, holding out his hand for her to take. Smiling softly as his persistence, she slipped her hand into his and he instantly swept her into his arms. "One dance. And then I'll have to leave," she muttered, pressing her fingers to his mouth to shut him up as he got ready to protest.He nodded, smirked gorgeously and then spun her around, her heels making a sharp sound against the marble floor. Thousands of things ran through her mind as he twirled her around and swept her effortlessly across the garden, hidden from the eyes of those in the mansion. Maybe except for a certain handsome dark haired male with the greenest eyes ever and the female of whom he doted on and protected to no end. Her bare leg brushed against his jean-clad one and she tingled in all places forbidden. As the music grew more intense, so did the passion in the dance and their feelings. His fingers ached to explore her whole body. Thank God he thought with his head and not between his thighs. Her lips ached to be pressed against his soft and full ones. Her fingers ached to run up and down his broad chest, clothless. His hair brushed against her fingers. Soft as silk. His eyes were filled with something other than lust and desire. A slight admiration. She also detected rationality.His lips ached to taste that length of creamy skin that she called a neck. His fingers ached to remove the pins that held up her thick mass of hair and run through them. The muscle between his thighs throbbed painfully but he kept his head. Her perfume although subtle, fueled by the lust in him was overwhelming. A mix of spring blossoms and vanilla. The passion died down-only slightly-as the music ended and couples drifted off the dance floor and the lone couple in the gardens stopped, mainly due to the female. "Thank you," he whispered, his hand lingering warmly on her slim waist. Her hands rested on his broad chest as she caught her breath. She tilted her head back to look into his very violet eyes. "You're welcome," she said, under her breath. Gently, she shoved him away and peeled his hands away from her body. "I need to go.""Wait-"But she was already gone, her heels left behind as she ran into the maze, never looking back. "-can I get your name?" Ryuuto finished, in a daze. "Oniisan!" Miyuki shouted, a big smile on her face. "Dare? Dare? Who? Who? Who was she?"Ryuzaki trailed behind the bouncy thirteen year old, a smirk on his handsome face. Ryuuto smiled and ruffled his sister's hair. "Honestly, I have no idea," he muttered, heading for the front door."Hey! Where are you going?" Miyuki demanded, childishly, propping her hands on her hips. "Home.""You can't go home now. Dad and Boobie will kill you!""So, help me," Ryuuto said, grinning at his sister. "Ryuzaki, you send her home safely. Untouched."His best friend nodded with a grin and a wink. Ryuuto kissed his sister lightly on the forehead and then departed, with the feisty, fiery female on his mind. ~Darn, it's too long to continue. Erm, this has been procrastinated time and time again. I apologize for the hanging and non-descriptive state of the story~ RieRieKSLyn
Seventeen is Forever
A story of romance gone wrong but went so right. Friday night. Lights. Music. Fun. Reminisce. It was this theme park six years ago when Erin Darling first fell in love. With a boy two years her senior. It was even the same day. Flashes ran through her head, bringing a wistful smile onto her face. How she wished she could turn back time and redo everything. Kicking an empty aluminium can aside, braced herself on a rusty pole and hoisted herself over the barrier of the bumper cars attraction. Brushing off dust, she sat down on one of the bumper cars and sighed. She blushed lightly as she looked at him for the third time. Lifting her eyes and then looking away at the right moment, just like her friends had taught her. He smiled charmingly at her and her heart did a double flip. Her friends laughed, amused and then surrounded her, shuffling her away. Playing hard to get, that's what they called it. Honestly, she had no idea what to do when it came to things like this. She was the perfect child. Honest. Smart. Obedient. Demure. PERFECT.
She hated it. She wanted to be wild. To be free. To date boys. This trip to the theme park was the first of the rules that she would break. The second was to hang around with boys. And the third was to dress as she wished. "Erin, come on," Carly, her newest best friend said, yanking on her arm. She stared up at the gleaming roller coaster, meters above the sky and she trembled visibly. She might want to break rules but she wasn't up for conquering her fears just yet. She had a huge fear of heights and would never do anything that involved high places. The roller coaster was shaped like a dragon with a large mouth and eyes that glowed bright orange. It was dark green and it looked very dangerous. She wasn't taking any risks. "I think I'll sit this one out, Carly. I need to take a break for a moment. The last time I went on one, I puked all over my jeans," she lied, grinning inwardly. She had lied. She felt the thrill. She had never lied before in sixteen years of her life. It was new to her but Carly said she was a natural. Carly grimaced and looked down at Erin's jeans. It was her designer True Religion jeans, the newest pair. "Okay, maybe you should sit this one out," she muttered and then she ran off to the group of girls that waited impatiently by the entrance to the ride. She waved to them and then turned around, smiling happily to herself. Her parents had thought that she was over at Carly's place, studying for a math test on Monday but boy, were they wrong. She wrapped her arms around herself and giggled, laughing to the starry night sky. The thrill of lying to her parents was like an ecstasy. The feeling of breaking rules and not being controlled added to the happiness. For once, she was happy. Not happy in her mind. Happy in her heart. "Hey, Peek-a-Boo," came a deep voice behind her. She turned around to find the guy she had been giving suggestive glances too sitting on a bench, his irresistible smile lighting up his face. His teeth pearl white in the darkness. Behind him was a merry-go-round that played sweet carousel music and was golden with lights. She looked at him with a confused expression. "Were you talking to me?" she asked, stepping closer to him. "I don't see anyone here who kept giving me glances and sending me into wracks of shivers." Erin grinned and said, "Erin Darling." "Chase Pentrule." "I loved your music. Did you write it yourself?" Chase held out a hand and patted the spot on the bench next to him. "Everything's original. I write the lyrics while the band and I come up with the music together." "That's nice," Erin replied, staring at her fingers, her shy demeanour returning to her. Chase looked at her, hanging her head, her fidgeting fingers. He smiled. He had never seen a girl so shy yet so attractive. He knew that once he did anything with her, he would never be able to get enough. He had a feeling she was a virgin and being raised as a gentleman, he wouldn't take it from her. He wasn't that kind of guy. Taking her chin in his hand, he brought her head up to meet his eyes. "How old are you?" Averting her eyes from his, she said shyly, "I'm seventeen." "You don't seem to be sixteen." She laughed. "I really am. I swear." "I believe you. You seem so innocent it's hard to believe you're sixteen." She blushed. "I am that innocent. Right now, I'm going through a streak of rebellion and doing everything I can to disobey my parents." Chase patted her head and ruffled her hair. "This phase is an awesome phase. It feels good to rebel against your parents but one day, you'll going to regret it but that's part of growing up."
Erin smiled at that memory. He was right. She did regret rebelling against her parents as she had lost their trust and it had taken her two years and a half to regain it. Her grades had dropped drastically as she spent more time at clubs and parties rather than studying. She had managed to ace her SATs after she realised that she would have a terrible future if she didn't give up her wild streak. She leaned back onto the dusty seat of the bumper car and smiled dreamily. Good times, her past was. Her future and present? All she could see was drab gray and boring-ness. Folding her arms behind her head, she stared up at the dusty ceiling, looking at the metal that the bumper cars travelled on. She wondered why she even came to this place. She was drawn to this place as it was her last night here. In New York. She would be leaving for L.A. in a few days to finish her studies in scriptwriting and directing. Satisfied with being in the bumper car and soaking up memories, she got up and vaulted over the barricade, back into the cool night air. She was twenty-three. A grown woman yet she had never dated nor met with any guys. She had preferred solitude to the company of friends. In fact, she didn't have many friends. She had only a best friend whom she had lost contact with. She looked at the big rusty roller coaster and shuddered. She still had big fears of heights and roller coasters. That remained from my teenage days, I guess, she thought, grinning slightly.
Humming a gay tune, she laughed out loud with the ecstasy of her carefree days as a teenager and her days of rebellion. She jumped about and giggled, doing air splits and toe touches like a crazy fool. Over with the sudden adrenaline rush, she plonked down on the bench and titled her head backwards to stare up at the twinkling sky, reflecting her current emotions. Stretching, she turned around and another wave of flashbacks hit her.
This was the third time she had come here. All three times meaning to see him. Chase Pentrule. The quiet, intriguing nineteen-year-old who had from the first moment she saw him, captured her heart. All three times he was there, performing with his band. She would stand in the crowd and smile up at him and he would smile back and it felt like they were the only ones in the world. After the performance, both of them would hang around the park. Eat. Laugh. Romance.
That night, as they headed down to the beach for a midnight walk, he caught her staring at the carousel dreamily. She would stop and stare at the merry-go-round everytime they walked past but she never voiced her intentions to go on it but he suspected she wanted that so badly.
"You want to go on?" Chase asked, pointing to the merry-go-round.
Blushing as she realised that he had caught her looking, she shook her head. "No, it's okay." Chase ruffled her hair and wrapped an arm around her waist, gently pulling her to the line for the ride. "Don't lie, Erin," he said teasingly, pecking her forehead lightly. "I've seen you staring at it. Why don't you ever tell me you want to?" Erin turned a darker shade of red and stared at her toes, shrugging. "I guess...I guess...maybe...I wouldn't want to," she muttered, staring up at him doubtfully. "You never try, you never know, dear." Erin blushed and Chase grinned. He loved her innocence but unlike other men, he would never ever dare take advantage of her. He knew that she would no longer trust him if he ever did and he cared too much about her to let her go. Why? He had no idea. He was just drawn to her.
The line wasn't long and they soon got onto the ride. Erin, unleashing her inner child and the source of all her innocence chose a white horse with pink streaks in it's plastic mane. She climbed up easily enough although she was small for her age.
Chase jumped up onto the horse beside hers, a black one with gold plastic mane. As the carousel started and Erin's horse lurched forward, she clutched the golden pole tightly and eeped. "Are you okay?" Chase asked worriedly.
Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to take her on the carousel. Maybe she just liked the pretty patterns or the lights, he thought, watching her. She giggled childishly and grabbed his hand reassuringly. "I'm fine. I haven't taken a merry-go-round ride in ages so it kinda scared me for a bit," she muttered, her eyes glittering happily.
Chase laughed and then kissed her hand and she blushed. But. She didn't pull away. She just gave him a bashful smile and faced forward, her hand still in his.
Erin sighed dreamily and she stared up at the large carousel. Upon impulse, she got up and stood on the bench and jumped over the barrier, dusting her clothes as she landed into a heap of dirt and dust. With a triumphant grin, she circled the carousel, looking for the one that she had ridden the very night she had received her first mind-numbing kiss. She had barely managed to recognise it with all the dust that it was covered in but she did as the one next to it which Chase rode stood out from the rest of the other horses. Filled with childish energy, she hoisted herself onto the horse, the dust and dirt, dirtying the pair of jeans she wore and the dark green hoodie she wore. She was only a few inches taller than the last time she had rode it. Sitting sideways, she swung her legs as her memories took her backwards once more.
It was her fifth visit to the theme park. She had ridden everything here but the roller coaster. There was no way she was ever going to go on that thing no matter how much someone paid her to do it.
There he was. On the stage once more. Playing the song that he had written for her. It was a slow ballad and it made her shed a few tears with the task she had come here to do.
She stood in the crowd and looked up at him, smiling sadly as he pulled her up onto the stage. He had never done that before and it sent sparks coursing through her body. She almost wanted not to do it. Pinching herself mentally to wake up from the dream she was living, she stayed on the stage till he ended the song. He usually ended a performance with that song as Erin always made it in time just to hear it. Chase pulled her into a bear hug as the crowd dispersed as he jumped off the stage and lifted her into his arms. "You know, Erin. We might be getting bigger. We've just booked a show down at the Hard Rock Cafe. The owner thinks we're awesome and that we're privileged to be able to perform there."
Erin smiled slightly, her heart thudding with the task that she needed to perform before it was too late and her future, jeopardised. "Chase," she said, stepping in front of him. "I can't be your girlfriend right now." He was taken aback but then, he smiled. "I knew someday it would come to this." Now it was Erin's turn to be surprised. "You were?" Chase gave her one of his I'm-hiding-a-secret smile and slipped an arm around her shoulders. "Walk with me?" he asked, leading her to the beach. She didn't really much have a choice with him guiding her subtly but steadily. "You were never the one to actually have this rebellion streak going for so long," he muttered, running a hand through his dark brown locks. "You were too good to be able to carry it on for long. Sooner or later, you would realise what you were doing." He was right. She did realise when her mid-term paper results came back to her and she saw that she was on the verge of failing. She knew exactly why. She was hanging out too much with Carly and her friends. Going to parties. Skipping school. Cutting class. Flirting with boys. Hanging out in the malls. Staying out late. She didn't have time to study nor did she have time to finish any of her assignments. Her parents hadn't noticed. Yet. But sooner or later. They would and she would be finished. She wasn't going to tell her parents about her results as they knew that she would always score straight A's and that there was nothing to worry about. They had put their faith in her. When she said she was heading over to Carly's place to study or finish an assignment when she actually was going out to a party or to the mall or to meet Chase, they had trusted her and allowed her to leave.
Tonight, she had confessed everything to them and they had grounded her until she had managed to get into a college with prestige and finish her high school term with flying colours. She didn't blame them. They were right anyway. She had focused on having fun and not preparing for her future. Chase was only part of it. When she had told them about Chase, they didn't say anything harsh or even scold her. Her mother had shooed her father out of the room and gave her The Talk. Her mother had explained that she didn't mind her dating boys as long as she practised safety and didn't stray from her studies. "Listen, Chase," Erin said, stepping in front of him when they were away from the crowd and the noise. "I can't be your girlfriend anymore."
Chase raised an eyebrow and smirked. "I heard you the first time."
Erin sighed frustratedly and Chase saw that she didn't want to play games or joke anymore. He could see that this was difficult for her and him fooling around was going to make it worse. "Your parents found you out?" he asked, sympathetically.
Erin smiled sadistically. "No, my brain and conscience did," she said, sitting down on the dry sand. "I received my mid term paper results today and well, let's say that A's weren't present at all. I got guilty as I thought of the way I rebelled and forgot about my studies and had more fun. I told my parents about what I did and now I'm grounded. I don't blame them. It's for my own good anyway, even though I'm already seventeen and a grown adult.
"They didn't yell at me. I'm too old for yelling at but they did repeat over and over again that they were disappointed in me and that I should know better than to neglect my studies. I should know better than to befriend people like Carly. And worse, they gave me The Talk. Do you know how embarrassing it is?"
Chase sniggered but didn't say anything. Erin smiled a little. "I told them about you."
"They asked you to break up with me?"
Erin laughed softly. "Surprisingly, no. I thought I would get a good lecturing from my parents about hanging out with boys and the dangers that it would bring me but there was none. They said that they understood that this was a time in my life where I would be interested in boys. All they wanted was for me to be focused on my studies and they wouldn't mind."
Chase looked at her wonderingly. "You must be wondering why would I want to break up with you even if my parents allowed it."
Chase nodded and Erin laughed. "I want to get rid of this phase and never look back. I want to forget everything and start anew."
"You're getting rid of me?"
Erin didn't dare to meet his eyes. "It's okay," Chase muttered, slipping his arm around her shoulders. "I wouldn't have worked out anyways. I've got my own path and you've got yours. I have a feeling that we would never meet again."
Erin could tell he was dejected. "Don't say that," she said, sadly. "We'll still remain friends. Just not a couple."
Chase smiled. "You still got my number?"
Erin patted her pocket which contained her phone. "Forever and always."
Sitting on the horse, she smiled sadly. Those memories were great but she was kind of happy she had stored them away for a rainy day and ended the relationship. He was right. It would never work out. He had gotten discovered that very year he had split with her. Maybe if she hadn't split up with him, he wouldn't have been discovered. He had become globally known in the past few years and Erin was happy for that. Oh, who was she kidding? She was practically miserable. She had dated a few guys in the few years after her first breakup but none of them held the passion that she had always found intriguing in Chase. Her ex-boyfriends all lacked the passion that they had for their studies, their future and sometimes, she thought for her too. They seemed to date her just to get a kick out of dating a goody-two-shoes. She had dropped each of them before she could take it further and get things complicated. Face it, Erry. Chase was the only one who had ever sparked your interest and captured your heart and you let him go because you wanted to secure your future, her heart said. Her brain and sensibility countered, If you hadn't let him go, you would never have the reputation you have right now and only be labelled as a groupie to his band. That sentence of sense plucked and discarded her heart's regret. She didn't want to be a groupie. She wanted to be a lover. Someone she could share her life with, not just sleep with. As she hummed, she also realised that her memory had propelled something she had forgotten and shoved to the back of her memory storage for her entire life. The song he had written for her. " I met her eyes and sparkled in her gaze It shocked my heart, oh, I'm amazed The words beyonds that innocent smile Those I heard made everything worthwhile"
And then, it seemed as though she was propelled back to the past and she was there in the crowd. Staring up at the man she loved the most. She closed her eyes and savoured the memory. He was playing accoustic and his voice was low and enchanting. She could see a few girls in the crowd sigh dreamily up at him and she smiled even wider. He was hers and hers alone. She loved that memory. Then, a realisation jolted her to the present. He had never played accoustic. Not once had he ever played accoustic. Her heart thudded quickly in her chest. Although she was out of the memory, she still heard his haunting, soulful voice. She sat up straighter on the horse, the soulful voice growing louder and now, she could hear the strumming of a guitar. Feeling a spark of hope, she called out in a weak and barely audible voice, "Chase?" There was no response but the strumming and singing grew louder, healing together two broken pieces of her heart. She leaped off the horse and ran to the barricade, peering over it, looking for the figure that she knew would be Chase. No one else possessed a voice so pure that it could charm the snakes into eating out of his hand. It could also make the world fall in love with him. That's what had happened to her but she didn't regret it. In fact, she was lucky to have at least fallen in love once before devoting herself to her job. As she spotted the solid figure of her ex-but-unforgotten-boyfriend, she leapt over the barricade and strained her eyes to be sure. Standing in the bright moonlight, she looked exactly like an angel with her blonde hair falling around her like a halo. His heart clenched tightly in his chest at the sight of her. Oh, how much he had missed holding her in his arms. His mind took him back to their breakup. He had took it with nonchalance but on the inside he had bled for days. He had succumbed to alcohol to numb his mind and remove the image of her from his memories. It had worked and during that period of mourning, he had written his best songs and plus his gigs, he had managed to get discovered. In some way, she was be thanked for shooting him to fame. He had taken the breakup hard but he had never forgotten about her. She was constantly on his mind, haunting his dreams and his every working hour. Eventhough he had tons of girlfriends and was labelled as a playboy for life, he never felt anything more for them other than the sexual tug. He never got attached emotionally. The last time he did, he had his heartbroken and the very female who had done that was standing right in front of him, looking very much like an angel. The youthful innocence that she once possessed was gone. In it's place, the glimmer of maturity and deep mesmerising depths that spoke of sadness and unfulfiled pleasure. He had come here to relive those memories that were cast away just to feel the happiness that he once felt. Playing the song that he had wrote for her had added to the joy that he felt as he wallowed in his memories. He was only in town for a few days for a charity concert and this was one of the few times that he would ever be alone. He had managed to sneak away from the papparazi and his manager with the help of his band members. "Erry?" He had spoken the name out loud, the hand strumming the guitar dropped limp to his side. He didn't even realise he had spoken it until she lifted her head in his direction and he saw that there were unshed tears in her eyes. Without needing to hear her voice, he could make out the words she whispered, "Chase? Is it really you?" He took a tentative step forward and another till he stood right in front of her. Instantly, her features lit up as she stared up to his eyes. She was still as small as ever but maybe it was also because he had grown some too. "Erin Darling," he whispered as she ran her callused fingers over his face as if memorising his features. Satisfied with her exploring, she buried her face into his solid wall of a chest and sighed his name. "Chase Pentrule." Chase ploughed his hands into her silvery hair and gently lifted her face. "You didn't call. You never did," he muttered, depriving her of her response by pressing his lips against hers. A soft tendril of breath from a moan instantly escaped her lips and teased his as he licked her bottom lip. Pulling away, Erin muttered, "I never called anyone just for no reason. I don't even know why I own a cellphone." Chase laughed and kissed her forehead and rested his against hers. "I missed you. Eventhough I told myself to let you go, you haunt me day and night. All I think about is you," he muttered. "Can we sit down?" Chase's eyes widened with surprise and laughed. "Alright," he said, wrapping an arm loosely around her waist and directed her to the bench that she had sat on earlier. "You know, I always told myself that I had made the right choice in breaking up with you. If I hadn't, you wouldn't have shot to fame and I wouldn't have been able to be top in the state." Chase smirked the familiar way and Erin's heart contricted. "You know, Erry, that's true. I wouldn't have been able to right all those sad songs if you hadn't broken up with me." She stared at him, amused yet furious. "You are still as unbelievably sarcastic and arrogant." "You haven't changed a bit either." Erin smiled and then laughed, settling against his chest. "Can I ask you something?" she asked, titling her head backwards to meet his gaze. "Shoot." "Why did you come here?" Chase smiled and absently stroked her hair. "As you already know, I'm in town for a concert and sinced I'm being chased by papparazi and harrassed by my manager, I decided to escape her for peace of mind. "Also, this place makes me happy everytime I'm here. Memories start coming back and each one of you. Each one makes my heart sing. My pulse leap. My brain throb. This is the one place when I'm the happiest. What about you?" Erin shifted slightly on his lap and for a moment, he thought she was going to leave but she was just making herself more comfortable. "I'm leaving in a few days. For L.A. I'm pursuing a career in casting there." Chase sighed deeply and hugged her tighter. "What disadvantages are there to dating a rockstar?" she asked, smiling mischievously. "The crazy fangirls. The manager who will constantly glare at you especially since she's female. The long practices. Sleepless nights due to composing and writing. Travelling a lot. And the worse, being labelled as a groupie. Unless you become my wife." "Are you hinting at something, Chase Pentrule?" "Is it really obvious?" "Chase Pentrule. I will not marry you till I've secured my career." "Erin Darling. I was just joking." Erin snuggled. "Where you going next after New York?" "Exactly where you'll be." Erin didn't need to ask where that was. "After that?" "We begin our world tour in Japan." Erin sighed against him. "Will you be waiting for me when I return?" "If you are expecting me to. I will manage to find out if you've been unfaithful to me during your tour." Chase kissed the top of her head and wrapped his arms tighter around him. "I know you will." The night continued with endless chatter, filling in each other about their lives and ferverish kisses. Chase missed a show and a performance had to be cancelled but his band members did not divulge to his enraged manager on his whereabouts. Erin sat on Chase's lap with her arms around his neck and his arms around her waist. That's how they were found in the morning, still talking with no thinking of shut eye. This is Wanderer at her best. Much more interesting than the previous few. She hopes that every one would enjoy reading it as much as she enjoyed writing it. Lyrics are ripped from a poem written by Sweet Mae entitled Look Beyond. Wanderer modified it a little to suit the story. Original is:
Sparkles in that gaze Oh, I'm so amazed The words beyond that smile Just made everything worthwhile
Fabrication Of A Music Video
This is still title-less and still in the making. This tale is to satisfy craving since I haven't been telling many stories for the past few months. Edited to stand as a separate tale. Rain poured. Lightning cracked. Thunder boomed.
Inconspicuously, ten black-clad figures quietly bounded up the stairs. Their footsteps, drowned out by the plush carpet that covered the whole second floor. Each were of different sizes. Some were tall. Some were short. Most were slim but there was the occasional plump one. Yet, there was no mistaking, each had the curvy figure of a female but were dressed in male clothing, looking like they had just come from a concert performance.
Accessories dangled from slim necks. Glitter coated their clothing.
But, none of their faces were visible. It was either hidden by hoods of their trench coats, covered by harsh male hats or hidden by the shadows of their hair. To any normal passerby, it would look like they were a performance troupe returning from a night out yet they were far from that.
Their movements were shadowy and they moved with tentative footsteps, each placed carefully as so as not to make a sound. Rain dripped off their dark clothing yet they ran on with the grace and speed of a gazelle.
Although this floor of the palace-turned-hotel was unoccupied as it had been booked by an anonymous male, reserving all rooms.
Truth be told, there was no need to be reserving the rooms as the hotel manager did not have any keys for this floor. They would not be having the keys for a very long time. Breaking off into pairs, all ten entered separate rooms, panting hard as they shut the doors.
None of the rooms were locked as there was no need for that seeing as this floor was not to be ventured into. This wing was small, eight rooms on each floor. It suited them. Just the right amount to be safe as and also the right amount to be in small numbers. Separated but united. All at once. Shutting the door behind her, she flung herself onto the bed, the bag she carried thrown on the bed next to her. She ruffled the water droplets out of her hair and breathed hard, staring at the wall, trying to focus. Running wasn't something she was good at. She leaned against the wall and rested her arm on her propped up knee and rested her head against her chest, breathing steadily. Adrenaline rushes were never good and it had been so long since she had been on a chase like this.
Opening and shutting the door in a blink of an eye, she visibly relaxed. Her partner, flinging the bag that she carried onto the floor, she sat down on the bed and caught her breath. Pushing back the hood of her raincoat, she rubbed the water out of her wet hair, grimacing. She lay flat on the bed and stared up at the ceiling, watching the slowly spinning fan. Her partner flung the bag she was carrying onto the other bed and after drying off her hair with a lot of grumbling, settled into the chair at the desk and caught her breath, thinking back to the moments just before they had to leave. Tossing the bag she carried onto the bed, she sat down on it and tucked her head between her knees, breathing hard. She hadn't run like that since the last one and it had taken a toll on her after performing and then running for her life. She had been training all her life but after a long bout of rest, it was hard for her to get back on her feet. Grumbling about the rainwater which would damage her hair, her partner stripped off her soaking wet jacket and tossed it in a corner, heading over to the window to be on lookout. Her youth and innocence made her a useful member of their group. Being the youngest, she was the one everyone sought to look after as well as protect their charge. Entering the small but sufficient bedroom, she headed straight for the window, looking at the green, green grounds which would have been beautiful in the morning but now at night with all the running they had done, the grounds which were pitch black save for the electric lights screamed danger. Worse, with the ones that they had to protect in tow with them, it was harder for them to escape without drawing attention. Her trained eyes scanned the grounds for sign of the one obstacle in their way. She grinded her teeth in annoyance and impatience. This chase was useless and the only obstacle was being a nuisance but their charges were more important. She entered the room, flicking off her dripping wet hat and hanging it in the cupboard. She, being the most logical one did not fret but recalled what had happened, moments before they had to run, dragging along their charge. Staring at the mirror in the small, wooden closet, she thought, staring constantly into the mirror, her short hair sticking up in weird angles from the rain and being jammed into a hat. The eldest two of the group, they were the most calm, having been on many assignments but none as dangerous or as annoying as this. Grumbling about how their fans would be wondering about their untimely disappearance in the middle of their most famous single, the one with the dyed brown hair sat on the bed and rested her elbow on her propped up knee, not caring whether she dirtied the sheets or not. They weren't going to be there long. She stared out the window, absently, watching for sign of their obstacle. Her partner with the jet black hair, flung open the door to the bathroom and proceeded to dry her hair and clean up. She hated being dirty, having a minor case of OCD. She straightened her perfectly tousled hair and watched as the water pool in the sink. All sat in their rooms, waiting for the moment when they would receive orders from their head to be on the move once the pursuers had reached the hotel. The younger ones kept lookout while the older ones used their other senses to sense their presence. This place was not a hiding spot, merely a spot to catch their breaths and recuperate. Last but not least, their leader. Head of all their operations and the one in charge of their charges. She shoved the three charges they were supposed to protect into the room and shut it behind her. Leaning against the door, she panted hard, allowing her eyes to adjust to the darkness of the room to search for any hidden ambushes but when she found none, she visibly relaxed.
She flicked on the light switch which was next to the door and flipped her dripping wet hat that she loved so much off her hair and ruffled her light brown locks which by the look of it was dyed, getting rid of remaining water droplets.
Grumbling, she settled into a chair by the window and mused, leaving the three charges to clean up if they wished too. "Saaya," one of them said, from where he stood by the bed. He was the one with tousled hair and cute little beady eyes and precious pink lips.
"Yes?" she replied, sighing deeply. She was tired having performed and then running. Also, she didn't like abandoning her fans but duty always came before fame. "Where are we going this time?" another of them asked. This one had hazel brown hair, three braids braided into his short hair for their earlier performance.
She shrugged. "Depends where your stupid rivals chase us too. When we've finally got enough reinforcements and information, we'll fight back."
The three of them were tired and weary from all the running they had been doing for the past few weeks. They were three of the most popular members of a boy band and they had just figured out that their rival band has hired trained assassins to put them out of their careers forever.
There were no older than Saaya herself or the other members of her team save for the two eldest members who were only a few years older. They were all pretty boys and every single one of her team had huge crushes on them, including herself. But, well, work is work. You're not allowed to fall in love with anyone because you might end up protecting them instead of the one you're supposed to but in this case, well, in this case, it's different.
"It is always like this for you guys?" the shortest one of them all asked though he was not much taller than she was.
The corners of her lips lifted. "Not really. Running around with you guys isn't what we're quite used to doing," she replied, staring at the floor absently as if it was projecting her memories. "We also don't usually have trained assassins trying to kill us. And we don't have three charges to protect."
He smiled charmingly and Saaya's heart melted. "No, I meant if it was always beating the bad guys and being superstars."
She burst out laughing. "The being the superstars part as you now know is a cover but there are a few of us who sing well enough to secure that cover," she muttered, crossing her legs on the table in front of her in a very boyish manner. "But the beating the bad guys part, don't believe everything you see in the movies. Most of the time, they're fake."
The one with the braids patted him lightly on the back. "Cheer up." Lights flashed outside and three hooded figures walked up the driveway, oblivious to the rain that poured heavily outside. "God dammit," she cursed, pushing away from the window and stared at her partner who nodded in response, grabbing the bag that she had thrown onto the floor.
Both exited the room in a rush, heading for the last room on the hallway. As the lights flashed and the three hooded figures came into view in electric lights along the driveway, she tensed her jaw and pushed away from the window, heading to the last room on the floor. Footsteps echoed off the staircase and she pricked up her ears, grabbing her hat from the closet and jamming it on her head, she left for the last room. They were merely a few floors away. They had to move quick. The footsteps neared their floor and she looked up, flicking her eyes towards the door, straining her ears to pick up the sounds. She grabbed the bag from where it lay next to her on the bed and within a blink of an eye, left the room. Her ears picked up the steady and heaving footsteps of their pursuers and then she flicked her eyes to her partner who nodded, signaling that she too had heard. She grabbed the bag from where it lay on the bed while her partner grabbed her hat from where it hung on the back of the door and left. As their pursuers reached the floor below them, she looked up from where she was washing up in the bathroom and whipped her head around to look at her partner who nodded curtly and the both of them left. bang. Bang. BANG! Saaya knew it was time for them to run again. She had known that their rest period wouldn't be long but she didn't expect it to be this short. Gritting her teeth, she pulled open the door and gave orders immediately.
All of them were with their respective partners.
Grabbing the tiniest one, she handed him over to the eldest two, giving them specific orders on where they should meet up. None of them needed the instructions though since they had run them over so many times but Saaya felt safer doing it. With a wave of her hand, the two left, keeping him shielded between them.
The one with the sexy tousled hair, Saaya handed over to her best tactic planners, the two who were alone in different rooms. No partners. Those two didn't need partners. They were vicious and dangerous, their tactical plans, a work of genius. Handing him her jacket, she swung her bag over her shoulder and reached into it, pulling out a hat and jamming it on her head.
And the last one, the one with the braids, she handed over to her most logical team member and the one with the youthful innocence and her partner. "You all know where to meet. I'll be there shortly. The remaining two of you, cover whoever needs to be covered. If I'm not there in fifteen minutes, don't bother looking for me. I'll be fine. Run to next location. Beep my cellphone when you arrive."
Both nodded and left, covering up tracks and protecting their team members backs.
Saaya shut the door and settled back in the chair, a little smile on her face. She trusted her team members to get their charges to their meeting point with no trouble. She herself doubted that there would be any difficulties. Their pursuers were trained assassins, trained to shoot and kill, not track. They had trackers for that kind of job but it would take their trackers a few hours to track them.
Her team members were excellent at covering up their tracks, having been trained to do so. Each of her team were put together to make up the excellent team that they were. Each of them with their special abilities.
She, on the other hand, was excellent at foolery. She would lead on and on and on, until she disappeared into thin air. At the very brink of being either captured or killed, she would disappear without a trace. She heard the footsteps of frustration near her room. She sat in the chair, comfortably, staring at the floor, resting her elbow on the armrest and her fingers on her chin, nibbling at her fingernails. It was a habit that she had accquired recently with all the stress of the spotlight on their pop sensation and managing as well as performing. The pounding, angry footsteps stopped outside her room. She heard a gloved hand clutch the doorknob and turning it slowly. She could imagine the sadistic grins on their faces. Hah. As if I would allow it, she thought, hearing the knob turn fully and the soft creak as the door opened. Smirking sexily as the door creaked open another inch and then, she was gone. "God dammit," one of the hooded figures cursed, the voice sweet and feminine. "We lost them again. He's not going to be very happy with us. Again." No one noticed the remaining breeze that made the curtains at the window billow. No one thought of the possibility of escaping through the window as it was too high a jump and further more, the windows were closed. Rain. Thunder. Lightning. Triumph. Failure.
I know this might be a much better story than the one before which was hastily told and was very weak. This is based on Hey! Say! JUMP's Mayonaka no Shadow Boy video. If you watch it, you would see that there are many similarities. The three charges are: Chinen Yuuri; Yamada Ryosuke and Daiki Arioka. You figure out who is who. RieRieKSLyn
Infatuated With Danger Of a love that should never have existed yet has been forged. The good has always been attracted to the bad but has the bad ever been in love with the good? "I'm sorry. I know that this will hurt you but after keeping it in for so long, I need to say it. I'm sorry but-" Tears threatened to spill as my eyes prickled but I forced them down, determined not to cry no matter what happens. I knew that this would happen sooner or later. We had been very distant lately and he was less open to me and always cancelling our dates. Although I knew it would happen, I couldn't help but feel hurt. Again. This was my tenth boyfriend and once again, it has not worked out. It hurt, knowing that I could never find the one that I am destined to be with even if it was only through high school. "You're breaking up with me, Hikaru-chan?" I asked softly, meeting his eyes with a defiant stare. Both of us were far apart from each other on the school grounds. People were walking past us but all I could see was him. It was before school. I had arrived earlier than usual because I had wanted to surprise him as today was our one year anniversary. I thought he would be the one. The one who would finally love me. But I got hurt again. I should have known better. He didn't dare to meet my eyes, less confirm it. He kept his head down, staring at his shoes. That confirmed it even if his words didn't. "If you are going to be a coward and continue staring at your shoes, fine." I threw down the present I held in my arms and turned my back on him, determined not to cry till I made it out of the school compound.
"Stupid bastard," I muttered, picking up a piece of debris from the pier and flung it into the ocean. I had run until I could run no more. I had no either where I was running. Just running. Away from everything that meant to me. School. Friends. Pfft. I wonder if I still have them. I had been so caught up in Hikaru that I must have forgotten about my friends. What a rotten person I am. Angry at myself, I flung another rock into the ocean, watching it fall flat into the ocean. Sinking, further and further into it's dark depths. Just like how I felt. I watched the Sun shine in the sky, it's happy warm glow mocking me. I yelled out my frustration as I flung another piece of debris into the ocean. "Stupid jerk! You're just like every other stupid f-ker out there!" I yelled, tears streaming down my cheeks. This was the first time I had skipped school in a long while. When I had left middle school and entered high school, I was determined to leave my past behind and start anew. I was determined to turn over a new leaf, forgot whatever had happened in middle school.
I had wanted to put dating aside but somehow, I couldn't. I hadn't been as desperate as I was in middle school and only had two boyfriends-minus Hikaru-in my freshman and sophomore year but I couldn't ignore the fact that I needed to feel loved. I never received it at home as well, my parents couldn't care less about their teenage daughter. That's what happens when your parents are filthy rich and shower you with cash instead of love.
Grudgingly, I took out my purse and began ripping the very thing that made me miserable. I flung the scraps into the ocean as I yelled out my frustration and anger. "God dammit!" I cursed, watching the bits of paper floating on the surface of the ocean. "I hate you, Hikaru! I hate you!" Sunlight glinted off something shiny from my neck and without thinking, I yanked it off, cutting myself in the process but I didn't think twice about the pain. It wasn't as if I hadn't been through breakups before but I just couldn't take it anymore. I was upset with myself for being so stupid and desperate. I was mad at God for not allowing me to have lasting relationships. I was mad at Hikaru for breaking my heart. But most of all, I was mad at my parents for not loving me. Not caring about me. Maybe if I had gotten the love that I craved from home, I wouldn't be desperate to feel loved, to have a boyfriend. Then I wouldn't need to get hurt like this every time. My heart ached and I clutched it.
"Look what we have here, boys," came a low voice from behind me. "A little high school girl screaming profanities." At the sound of the voice, I turned around, my heart doing flips with fear. The voice screamed danger and as I looked at the group of five before me, it was obvious that they were danger. Yet, there was something that drew me to them. Especially the one in the middle.
Dressed in black skinny jeans, a white fur vest and a white long sleeved shirt. Pretty black-brown hair in messy spikes. Metal dangled from his neck and sunlight glinted off a piercing. Why I was drawn to him, that's something I would never be able to understand. His face was blocked by shadows as the sunlight behind his head blinded me. "She's pretty, Sawa-chan," one of the five said, squatting next to me, a innocent smile on his face. I scooted away from him but there was another one squatting behind me. I squealed and scooted away into the arms of the less dangerous looking one. The one who squatted beside me sat down on the concrete floor and shot me an irresistibly sexy smile. I knew better than to trust guys like him so I let the innocent looking one hold me since he did have a gentle iron grip around my shoulders.
"Kitsu-chan, I can see that," the one called Sawa-chan replied, teasingly. "A reason why I didn't leave her alone like you suggested." "But I didn't see that she was pretty from afar!" the one by the name of Kitsu-chan whined, nuzzling his lips against my neck in a playful, childish manner. Nothing suggestive. His lips came away with blood smeared on them. He licked his lips and eeped. "It's salty," he whispered, looking down at my neck.
Another one squatted down next to me and I tried to shy away but Kistu-chan held me, gently. He was even more dangerous looking that the other one but somehow, I recognised him. "Kana-chan?" I asked, squinting to get a better look at him under all the makeup.
He smirked and held my chin gently in his hand. I wrenched my head away and he clicked his tongue. "You're being bad. We have to punish you."
"Don't touch me!" I shouted, my legs kicking for him to be away from him. Kanashi. One of the most dangerous students in the school. And also in my class. Devilishly handsome. Exceptionally smart. Bad. Sexy. Gorgeous. The most dangerous of the group of three led by bad boy Sawatari, including the nicest and sweetest of the three, Yoshiro. "Leave her alone, Kana-chan. You're scaring her," came the familiar calm voice of Yo-chan.
"Yo-chan?" The innocently mature face appeared next to mine and I squealed out of fright. He smiled sweetly. Kanashi, with his hand still on my chin, gently turned my head and licked the blood off my neck. I yelped with the sudden sparks that coursed through my body from that tiny erotic gesture. Kanashi raised his head and kissed my jaw lightly. I pulled away from him and glared, angrily. I did not like the sensations that he sent through my body. "You taste sweet," he whispering, seductively.
I glared at him and clenched my fists. How dare he do that? He doesn't even know me. Personally, I mean. He hasn't even earned the right to kiss me, less lick me. "Stop scaring the crap out of her. The poor thing's so frightened that she's shaking," came the smooth voice of Sawa-chan. Elegant. Dangerous. Beautiful. "Shaking with fear? Or shaking with lust?" "You're sick, you bastard. You Are Sick, you f-king bastard!" I yelled at him, tears of rage streaming down my cheeks. How dare he do something that excited me so badly? "Well, Mitsuki-chan, I was born a bastard so I think that makes me one," he said, cockily. I hid my head in Kitsu-chan's arm and cried and he gently patted my back. "Oh, darn it, Kana-chan. You've made her cry," Yoshiro said, running his hands through my hair.
A gentle hand pried my head from the crook of Kitsu-chan's arm and brushed my tears away with the rough pad of his thumb. I pulled my head away and Sawa-chan's elegant voice shushing me followed. A gentle coaxing of his rough hands smoothing my hair from my head made me raise it.
Before I could even say anything, a pair of soft, dry lips pressed against mine and the sparks that Kana-chan had ignited flared into hot, steamy flames. Gentle hands pried Kitsu-chan's hands away and a pair of skinny but muscular arms wrapped around my waist, lifting me into a hard, broad chest.
I moaned softly and the pair of lips above mine formed a smirk. Sawa-chan ran his tongue against my upper lip, prodding me to open my lips. When I did not, he nibbled lightly on my bottom lip, causing me to gasp and that gave him the opportunity to stick his tongue into my mouth. Larger flames ignited as his tongue ran around inside my mouth, examining and coaxing responses from me. I was helpless in his warm embrace. Every part of my felt like I was on fire. Good fire, of course. I never wanted it to stop. A tingling and aching pooled in the area between my thighs and I squirmed. It was something new. Something I had never experienced in my life. Never with any of my boyfriends. None had ignited burning flames within me. None had kissed me with such finesse yet was able to make me yearn for more. It was interesting. I didn't want to give it up. Not just yet. Slinking my arms from where they lay slack on the concrete floor that was warm from the Sun-or maybe something else-around Sawa-chan's neck, I pressed his head harder and he applied more force on my lips, coaxing more tiny flames to spring up from places I never knew could feel so much pleasure. The best of all, the tingling and aching between my thighs was somehow the centre of all the pleasure shots that ran through my body. I slipped my hand into the long strands that curled just over the collar of his vest and sighed with bliss. They were so soft, silky, almost feminine that I was so absorbed that I didn't notice that I had knoted my fingers in his dark hair. "Oh, she kisses the playboy but not the sexy one?" Kana-chan muttered, good-naturedly.
"Kana-chan," Yoshiro said, a handsome grin on his face. "You're the playboy. And...the sexy one. Eh, Sawa-chan? I've no idea what he is." Smiling playfully, Sawatari broke from the kiss and looked up to a smirking Kanashi and a smiling Yoshiro. "Shut up, both of you," he muttered. "God dammit, Sawa-chan. Could you shut up and just kiss me?!" I demanded, pulling his head back to mine.
"You're feisty," Sawatari muttered, grinning into my eyes, planting feathery kisses across my forehead and down my temple to my cheek and lower to my jaw. "I'm going to make you pay." "You wish." "Oh, I'm not wishing. I'm doing." Kissing lower down my jaw and down my neck, nibbling till he found the spot that would make me moan out load. And he did, earning groans from the rest of them. "Get a room, bitch," Kana-chan groaned, smacking Sawa-chan hard on the head. "Get your own lady, bastard," Sawatari teased, running his hand through my hair. "This one's mine." "You're sick, Sawa-chan. Very sick. Disgusting," I muttered, shuddering from the gentle, erotic stroking at the nape of my neck. "Let's hope you're shuddering from pleasure and not disgust." I smacked him and he grinned, bringing his lips back to mine but it wasn't long before he travelled lower, leaving hickeys on my skin. "Okay, my innocent eyes do not want to see this," Kitsu-chan muttered, standing up. "I'm heading back to the warehouse."
"I'm in. I'm not going to see this," Yoshiro said, surrenduring.
"I'm disgusted," Kana-chan muttered, ruffling Sawatari's hair.
"You're just saying, Kana," Sawatari said, nibbling lightly on my earlobe.
And that's how we remained till nightfall, though we did make occasional trips to the warehouse where Sawatari's mob of gangsters met up when they were free to fetch blankets and pillows and a sheet to sleep on.
NO! Not that kind of sleep. That kind of sleep comes later when I really trust him.
Right now, we're sleeping under the stars and freezing to death but it's heaven. Blissful. Nothing I've ever felt with my ten ex-boyfriends compares to this kind of joy. I wonder if it is even legal to feel this happy.
Looking back, I wondered if I'd been denying myself all these years. I would look for love in all the obvious places but never in those places where it never would exist. Each time, I would feel complete. I would think 'Wow, someone finally loves me' but I'd never be happy. This is the first time I had ever felt so high. I felt like I was floating and it wasn't even with the guy that I had imagined. Sure, I had caught myself staring at him a few times in school and when he would return the stare, I felt the fluttering of butterflies in my stomach. It would be a normal reaction to a delicious looking piece of male but nothing more. That's what I would tell myself. Truth be told, I actually had a crush on him when I was in middle school. He was the only bit of my past that had entered into my present. Maybe I had been denying myself the luxury of falling in love with a bad boy. Instead, finding a boy that would provide me with all the luxuries in life but never would I be loved. I sat up from Sawa-chan's embrace and smiled up to the stars. They had finally granted my one wish and it wasn't even granted in the way I had hoped it would be but it came true all the same. "Mitsu-chan?" came his groggy voice, smooth and elegant even when it was filled with sleepiness. "Yeah?" I asked, looking back at his curled up form, his eyes bright from the moonlight. "Are you okay?" he asked, sitting up and running his hand through his hair. "Fine. Just fine." With that, I pushed him back onto the sheet and began tormenting his lips. His response was immediate. Sigh. Beautiful.
This was a lame attempt at writing a story. The original that I had in mind was much, much different than this but the one I had in mind could only be put into movie form and is quite tough to put into story form. Excuse the story. I felt compelled to write something and ended up with this piece of crap. Sigh. RieRieKSLyn
By post:
Inspired By Yamada Ryosuke: Enchanting and Deceiving
Seventeen is Forever
fabrication of a music video
Infatuated with Danger
By month:
June 2008
December 2008
Layout: Mary
Adapted from: refuted
Icon: refuted
Host: blogger photobucket
She writes from her heart and all pieces are original.
None are to be ripped, borrowed etc. without prior permission.
All pieces are copyrighted to her.
Borrowing will be granted for valid reasons.
Fall in love with words just as she has.
 Adopted Trees.