Inspired by Yamada Ryosuke: Enchanting and Deceiving Inspired by Yamada Ryosuke's Asia no Yoru/Asian Night. Set in modern day Japan. Featuring two young teenagers who fall in love during a passionate flamenco dance. Enchanting. Teasing. Deceiving. Wanderer's latest tale. Enjoy. Glorious white light spilled from the floor-to-ceiling windows onto the lush green grounds that surrounded the immense white building. Laughter and chattering filled the night's air. People constantly came and go from the large oak doors, always guarded by two bouncers and a handsome butler. Ladies were dressed in fancy ballroom gowns; all of the finest material money can buy. Men were in tuxedos, resembling skinny penguins. Yet, no one knew the other except those with whom they came.Ladies were easier to recognise than the men with the colours of their dresses but the men were all decked out in the same way. Each had a mask to their faces either full masks, half masks or eye masks. Holding out his arm for his stubborn younger sister who grimaced at him but grudgingly slipped her hand into the crook of his elbow, he patted her small hand reassuringly. At fifteen, he was taller than most average boys his age but his sister had also inherited their father's genes and although she was two years younger than him, she was as tall as his shoulder and he stood at 5"7. His recently married father went in front of them with his newly wedded bimbo of a wife clinging onto his arm like a boa constrictor. She had been a model once, gracing the covers of all the most prestigious magazines the world had to offer but then, she had gotten greedy and you know what happens when models get greedy so the industry rid itself of her. After losing all her fame and money, she had hit on his father while he was still with his mother. His mother couldn't stand having the WOMAN around him and although she was a rational person, she couldn't take the slandering gossip that surrounded the family while her relationship with his father was on the rocks and she filed for divorced.Needless to say, his father signed the divorce papers instantly and less than a month had passed before he married the hyena-cum-boa constrictor. He resented his father for that and he hated HER even more for luring his father and putting his mother to shame for whatever she was doing.He shuddered at the times when he spent hidden up in his room because their front door was swarmed with paparazzi. His sister, Miyazaki Miyuki couldn't get her own privacy and had to close all blinds and lock all windows before she could change or even use the bathroom. He was happy that he had taken up kendo as a kid to fend off those who dared to intrude on his mother and Miyuki's privacy. At the moment, the muscles in his arm tensed to punch his father for being so stupid and to wring the skinny neck of that bitch. Miyuki sensed his anger and felt the muscles in his arm, patting his arm lightly and resting her head on his shoulder, slipped the hand from his elbow around his waist and squeezed."It's alright, Yuki. I won't do anything. I've got more self-control than you think," he muttered, kissing his sister lightly on the cheek.She grinned but kept her arm around his waist. Fueled with brotherly affection, he in turn slipped his arm around her waist and held to each other. At parties like this, he and his sister usually stuck together, preferring the company of each other to the crowd. They kept to themselves, only speaking to very close friends. At the top of the stairs, a footman took their invitation and waved them forward. Since it was a masquerade party, no names were to be announced but everybody instantly knew who the two who stood at the top of the stairs was. The golden couple.They weren't blond, for a fact but they were admired and idolised by their peers as they were in high status in society and they were gorgeous. They were feared and loved. Back stabbed and gossiped about. Everyone they met always had the little green man out whenever they were around not that they evoked jealousy intentionally. Also, their height made them stand out from the crowd. This party was actually a summer ball held by one of Ryuuto's closest friends but he was nowhere in sight. Standing at the base of the stairs, Ryuuto craned his neck to search the crowd for the dark haired wild child who had been with him since they were in their nappies. "Do you see Ryuzaki?" he asked Miyuki who was tapping her foot impatiently as she stared at the line of girls that sat along the edge of the dance floor, waiting demurely for someone to ask her to dance."Pathetic," she muttered, folding her arms across her pert chest. For a thirteen year old, she sure didn't look or act like one. "What's pathetic, Yuki-chan?" Ryuuto asked, steering his sister to the middle of the dance floor and picking up a waltz."Those girls sitting there and waiting for someone to dance with them. They should be the one starting the dance. Not sitting there like some angel and be demure.""Not all girls are like you, Yuki-chan and it's against social etiquette to do so."Miyuki just pouted childishly, having lost her verbal battle and focused on dancing and teasing the other guys with flirtatious and promise-filled smiles. "You really shouldn't lead them on like that, you know," Ryuuto laughed as the waltz ended and thousand guys flocked to his mischievous sister."I know but I enjoy the attention."Shaking his head, he left her to the guys, trusting his best friend-and the object of his sister's affections-to rescue her from the throng of eager men as he headed to the balcony and the cool night air. The crowd all took a breather from the waltz and even the orchestra had stopped playing. All to look up at the marble staircase to see the newly arrived. The couple who stood there took her breath away. All eyes were on them but they hadn't even made a grand entrance.There was no need for names. She knew exactly who they were. The height said it all. No one could be that tall at their age. She herself was only a few inches shorter than them but their regal presence made them tower over her. Her eyes were more drawn to the male, his extraordinary violet eyes shining through the gold half mask that he wore. She blended deeper into the crowd of teenagers that were all muttering among themselves as they descended the stairs. She was actually half-jealous of his sister. She had come here, dressed in a flaming red full-length gown that looked heavy but actually was draped in such a way that it looked like a fire and adding weight. It was actually light. Fine silk.She had sewn it herself, being less fortunate than those that surrounded her. Styled to show more skin than acceptable in society, it was Spanish-gypsy-styled and swirled around her legs with each step. She had actually worn the most daring dress around till the sister showed up. It was sleeveless with a tight bodice that enhanced the creamy texture of her skin. She hadn't bothered to throw on a wrap like most demure and rule-abiding girl would have worn. The skirt: short in the front and long in the back, made of smooth silk that floated around her legs with each step she took.She stepped onto the balcony and raised her face to the moon, taking off her black and red lace eye mask and smiled. Out here, no one would notice that she didn't belong here as long as she didn't show her face. Her unique features would instantly make her stand out. High cheekbones with no hint of aristocratic features and clear blue eyes. Not the face of someone who belongs in this place. "That's a very daring dress you are wearing," came a smooth silky voice from behind her. "No one besides my sister would have worn something like that."Without needing to turn around, she recognised the voice and even without the statement about his sister. She did not turn around but continued looking down at the green gardens, a thousand witty replies running through her mind. A smile graced her lips and it soon turned into a full grin. She quickly tied on her mask and settling on a casual but nonchalant reply, she turned around and was instantly stunned. He stood a few feet away from her, an adorable expression on his face and his hands tucked into the pockets of his pants. Never in her life had she been that stunned, unable to speak as he looked down at her. On the outside, she looked calm but her eyes showed her shock. He was even more beautiful up close. His hair, up close, was lighter in some parts and his eyes. Dear Lord, she could lose herself in them if she wasn't careful. Lifting her lips in a smirk to show that he had no effect on her, she slipped her hands demurely behind her back and dug her nails into the palm of her hand to shock her out of the dreaminess that she was feeling. Her smooth back shone a creamy white in the moonlight as she leaned against the balcony, the picture of pure demure perfection yet in such a daring dress that no one but his sister would dare to don. Her eyes shone a clear and sparkling blue turning a dark sapphire with the brilliant moon and her lips were full and was as if deliberately taunting him. The dress hung off fully feminine curves that his hands ached to touch and showed enough decolletage to send his blood pumping hotly through his body. He had not seen her around before and with the harsh features of her face, he knew she wasn't aristocratic. Usually, he didn't speak to anyone below him. Not that he was arrogant, but because he didn't know how to. They always had more fun, they were wilder and from what he heard, they were always nice. None of them back stabbed each other and they were always there when you needed them.He walked out onto the balcony and realised that she had removed her mask and was clutching it in her hand, dangling it by the red silk ribbon over the balcony like a cat would to a ball of string. He watched her silently but all he could see was the side of her face, her back and her mass of unruly light brown curls. Taking a huge risk, he complimented her dress and added the quip about his sister, walking closer to her back, almost pressing himself against her. God, she is tiny, he thought. She tied her mask back on and he felt dejected. He had so badly wanted to see her face and not only part of it. "Congratulations to your sister, then. No one else here would dare to show off so much skin," she muttered, flicking open her lace fan and demurely but flirtatiously, cooled herself down. "You are," he said, grinning handsomely, not knowing the effect that it was having on her already accelerated heartbeat. "I dare say you and my sister would get along perfectly."Instantly, her eyes hardened but it quickly disappeared into scorn and arrogance. She scoffed, snapping her fan shut and dangling it from her slim wrist, pushing away from the stone railing and strolling down the wide balcony. "I do not befriend people like you," she said, stonily, glaring at him. "So do not dare even suggesting I befriend your sister or anyone here."He chuckled. "Then what are you doing here at this party?" he asked, in a flash, dangerously close behind her. "What are you doing talking to me?"She turned around and glared at him directly in the eye, a blush creeping up her cheeks. Flustered for a moment, she squared her jaw and muttered, "You, Ryuuto, are just a coincidence."With that, she spun on her heel and flicked open her fan, stomping off. Ryuuto laughed and sighed to himself, running a hand through his hair. This girl is playing with me, he thought, running after her.He adored the blush. He loved the way that she could be so demure yet so feisty and tough. Just like Miyuki. She was grinning triumphantly. She had seen the look of disbelief on his face when she had told him that he was just a random coincidence. She had a feeling that most girls did not dare to speak that way to his face. Most of them just giggled girlishly and stared then swooned. Truthfully, she had also felt like swooning but her upbringing told her that it was stupidly feminine and annoying. Not to mention, pathetic.She heard his footsteps pounding the ground behind her as he ran to catch up with her. As he stood right behind her, he had a thousand witty things to say to her but when she turned around to face him, his mind went blank. She was smirking. Something most girls of his social status didn't do as they were too shy and demure to do so. "Are you following me or is there someone you want to meet going this way?" she asked, mischievously.Dumbstruck by her boldness, he didn't know what to say. Sure he was following her. But not deliberately. Something drew him to her and no matter how beautiful and feisty she was, it annoyed him that he couldn't control himself and walk away. "Are you going to answer me or are you going to stand there with your mouth opened like a fish out of water?" With that, she gave a very, very girlish giggle and walked away, humming softly and twirling her fan. With her back turned and walking away, determined on leaving the party as to not draw anymore attention to herself, she cursed herself for having managed to catch his attention. Not that it was a bad thing. She just knew that she shouldn't be here but when she was dared, she never backed out!Darn that stupid Kusaka for suggesting AND playing Truth or Dare, she thought, plucking a flower from a nearby bush and sticking it into her curls. As she descended into the vast maze-like garden, she heard the orchestra strike up a flamenco beat and she twirled in time to the opening music. "Could I have this dance?" came the same silky voice that she was avoiding. Spinning sharply on her heel to face the sleek body that she would die to taste, she conjured up a sharp retort but he stood there charmingly, holding out his hand for her to take. Smiling softly as his persistence, she slipped her hand into his and he instantly swept her into his arms. "One dance. And then I'll have to leave," she muttered, pressing her fingers to his mouth to shut him up as he got ready to protest.He nodded, smirked gorgeously and then spun her around, her heels making a sharp sound against the marble floor. Thousands of things ran through her mind as he twirled her around and swept her effortlessly across the garden, hidden from the eyes of those in the mansion. Maybe except for a certain handsome dark haired male with the greenest eyes ever and the female of whom he doted on and protected to no end. Her bare leg brushed against his jean-clad one and she tingled in all places forbidden. As the music grew more intense, so did the passion in the dance and their feelings. His fingers ached to explore her whole body. Thank God he thought with his head and not between his thighs. Her lips ached to be pressed against his soft and full ones. Her fingers ached to run up and down his broad chest, clothless. His hair brushed against her fingers. Soft as silk. His eyes were filled with something other than lust and desire. A slight admiration. She also detected rationality.His lips ached to taste that length of creamy skin that she called a neck. His fingers ached to remove the pins that held up her thick mass of hair and run through them. The muscle between his thighs throbbed painfully but he kept his head. Her perfume although subtle, fueled by the lust in him was overwhelming. A mix of spring blossoms and vanilla. The passion died down-only slightly-as the music ended and couples drifted off the dance floor and the lone couple in the gardens stopped, mainly due to the female. "Thank you," he whispered, his hand lingering warmly on her slim waist. Her hands rested on his broad chest as she caught her breath. She tilted her head back to look into his very violet eyes. "You're welcome," she said, under her breath. Gently, she shoved him away and peeled his hands away from her body. "I need to go.""Wait-"But she was already gone, her heels left behind as she ran into the maze, never looking back. "-can I get your name?" Ryuuto finished, in a daze. "Oniisan!" Miyuki shouted, a big smile on her face. "Dare? Dare? Who? Who? Who was she?"Ryuzaki trailed behind the bouncy thirteen year old, a smirk on his handsome face. Ryuuto smiled and ruffled his sister's hair. "Honestly, I have no idea," he muttered, heading for the front door."Hey! Where are you going?" Miyuki demanded, childishly, propping her hands on her hips. "Home.""You can't go home now. Dad and Boobie will kill you!""So, help me," Ryuuto said, grinning at his sister. "Ryuzaki, you send her home safely. Untouched."His best friend nodded with a grin and a wink. Ryuuto kissed his sister lightly on the forehead and then departed, with the feisty, fiery female on his mind. ~Darn, it's too long to continue. Erm, this has been procrastinated time and time again. I apologize for the hanging and non-descriptive state of the story~ RieRieKSLyn
Inspired by Yamada Ryosuke: Enchanting and Deceiving Inspired by Yamada Ryosuke's Asia no Yoru/Asian Night. Set in modern day Japan. Featuring two young teenagers who fall in love during a passionate flamenco dance. Enchanting. Teasing. Deceiving. Wanderer's latest tale. Enjoy. Glorious white light spilled from the floor-to-ceiling windows onto the lush green grounds that surrounded the immense white building. Laughter and chattering filled the night's air. People constantly came and go from the large oak doors, always guarded by two bouncers and a handsome butler. Ladies were dressed in fancy ballroom gowns; all of the finest material money can buy. Men were in tuxedos, resembling skinny penguins. Yet, no one knew the other except those with whom they came.Ladies were easier to recognise than the men with the colours of their dresses but the men were all decked out in the same way. Each had a mask to their faces either full masks, half masks or eye masks. Holding out his arm for his stubborn younger sister who grimaced at him but grudgingly slipped her hand into the crook of his elbow, he patted her small hand reassuringly. At fifteen, he was taller than most average boys his age but his sister had also inherited their father's genes and although she was two years younger than him, she was as tall as his shoulder and he stood at 5"7. His recently married father went in front of them with his newly wedded bimbo of a wife clinging onto his arm like a boa constrictor. She had been a model once, gracing the covers of all the most prestigious magazines the world had to offer but then, she had gotten greedy and you know what happens when models get greedy so the industry rid itself of her. After losing all her fame and money, she had hit on his father while he was still with his mother. His mother couldn't stand having the WOMAN around him and although she was a rational person, she couldn't take the slandering gossip that surrounded the family while her relationship with his father was on the rocks and she filed for divorced.Needless to say, his father signed the divorce papers instantly and less than a month had passed before he married the hyena-cum-boa constrictor. He resented his father for that and he hated HER even more for luring his father and putting his mother to shame for whatever she was doing.He shuddered at the times when he spent hidden up in his room because their front door was swarmed with paparazzi. His sister, Miyazaki Miyuki couldn't get her own privacy and had to close all blinds and lock all windows before she could change or even use the bathroom. He was happy that he had taken up kendo as a kid to fend off those who dared to intrude on his mother and Miyuki's privacy. At the moment, the muscles in his arm tensed to punch his father for being so stupid and to wring the skinny neck of that bitch. Miyuki sensed his anger and felt the muscles in his arm, patting his arm lightly and resting her head on his shoulder, slipped the hand from his elbow around his waist and squeezed."It's alright, Yuki. I won't do anything. I've got more self-control than you think," he muttered, kissing his sister lightly on the cheek.She grinned but kept her arm around his waist. Fueled with brotherly affection, he in turn slipped his arm around her waist and held to each other. At parties like this, he and his sister usually stuck together, preferring the company of each other to the crowd. They kept to themselves, only speaking to very close friends. At the top of the stairs, a footman took their invitation and waved them forward. Since it was a masquerade party, no names were to be announced but everybody instantly knew who the two who stood at the top of the stairs was. The golden couple.They weren't blond, for a fact but they were admired and idolised by their peers as they were in high status in society and they were gorgeous. They were feared and loved. Back stabbed and gossiped about. Everyone they met always had the little green man out whenever they were around not that they evoked jealousy intentionally. Also, their height made them stand out from the crowd. This party was actually a summer ball held by one of Ryuuto's closest friends but he was nowhere in sight. Standing at the base of the stairs, Ryuuto craned his neck to search the crowd for the dark haired wild child who had been with him since they were in their nappies. "Do you see Ryuzaki?" he asked Miyuki who was tapping her foot impatiently as she stared at the line of girls that sat along the edge of the dance floor, waiting demurely for someone to ask her to dance."Pathetic," she muttered, folding her arms across her pert chest. For a thirteen year old, she sure didn't look or act like one. "What's pathetic, Yuki-chan?" Ryuuto asked, steering his sister to the middle of the dance floor and picking up a waltz."Those girls sitting there and waiting for someone to dance with them. They should be the one starting the dance. Not sitting there like some angel and be demure.""Not all girls are like you, Yuki-chan and it's against social etiquette to do so."Miyuki just pouted childishly, having lost her verbal battle and focused on dancing and teasing the other guys with flirtatious and promise-filled smiles. "You really shouldn't lead them on like that, you know," Ryuuto laughed as the waltz ended and thousand guys flocked to his mischievous sister."I know but I enjoy the attention."Shaking his head, he left her to the guys, trusting his best friend-and the object of his sister's affections-to rescue her from the throng of eager men as he headed to the balcony and the cool night air. The crowd all took a breather from the waltz and even the orchestra had stopped playing. All to look up at the marble staircase to see the newly arrived. The couple who stood there took her breath away. All eyes were on them but they hadn't even made a grand entrance.There was no need for names. She knew exactly who they were. The height said it all. No one could be that tall at their age. She herself was only a few inches shorter than them but their regal presence made them tower over her. Her eyes were more drawn to the male, his extraordinary violet eyes shining through the gold half mask that he wore. She blended deeper into the crowd of teenagers that were all muttering among themselves as they descended the stairs. She was actually half-jealous of his sister. She had come here, dressed in a flaming red full-length gown that looked heavy but actually was draped in such a way that it looked like a fire and adding weight. It was actually light. Fine silk.She had sewn it herself, being less fortunate than those that surrounded her. Styled to show more skin than acceptable in society, it was Spanish-gypsy-styled and swirled around her legs with each step. She had actually worn the most daring dress around till the sister showed up. It was sleeveless with a tight bodice that enhanced the creamy texture of her skin. She hadn't bothered to throw on a wrap like most demure and rule-abiding girl would have worn. The skirt: short in the front and long in the back, made of smooth silk that floated around her legs with each step she took.She stepped onto the balcony and raised her face to the moon, taking off her black and red lace eye mask and smiled. Out here, no one would notice that she didn't belong here as long as she didn't show her face. Her unique features would instantly make her stand out. High cheekbones with no hint of aristocratic features and clear blue eyes. Not the face of someone who belongs in this place. "That's a very daring dress you are wearing," came a smooth silky voice from behind her. "No one besides my sister would have worn something like that."Without needing to turn around, she recognised the voice and even without the statement about his sister. She did not turn around but continued looking down at the green gardens, a thousand witty replies running through her mind. A smile graced her lips and it soon turned into a full grin. She quickly tied on her mask and settling on a casual but nonchalant reply, she turned around and was instantly stunned. He stood a few feet away from her, an adorable expression on his face and his hands tucked into the pockets of his pants. Never in her life had she been that stunned, unable to speak as he looked down at her. On the outside, she looked calm but her eyes showed her shock. He was even more beautiful up close. His hair, up close, was lighter in some parts and his eyes. Dear Lord, she could lose herself in them if she wasn't careful. Lifting her lips in a smirk to show that he had no effect on her, she slipped her hands demurely behind her back and dug her nails into the palm of her hand to shock her out of the dreaminess that she was feeling. Her smooth back shone a creamy white in the moonlight as she leaned against the balcony, the picture of pure demure perfection yet in such a daring dress that no one but his sister would dare to don. Her eyes shone a clear and sparkling blue turning a dark sapphire with the brilliant moon and her lips were full and was as if deliberately taunting him. The dress hung off fully feminine curves that his hands ached to touch and showed enough decolletage to send his blood pumping hotly through his body. He had not seen her around before and with the harsh features of her face, he knew she wasn't aristocratic. Usually, he didn't speak to anyone below him. Not that he was arrogant, but because he didn't know how to. They always had more fun, they were wilder and from what he heard, they were always nice. None of them back stabbed each other and they were always there when you needed them.He walked out onto the balcony and realised that she had removed her mask and was clutching it in her hand, dangling it by the red silk ribbon over the balcony like a cat would to a ball of string. He watched her silently but all he could see was the side of her face, her back and her mass of unruly light brown curls. Taking a huge risk, he complimented her dress and added the quip about his sister, walking closer to her back, almost pressing himself against her. God, she is tiny, he thought. She tied her mask back on and he felt dejected. He had so badly wanted to see her face and not only part of it. "Congratulations to your sister, then. No one else here would dare to show off so much skin," she muttered, flicking open her lace fan and demurely but flirtatiously, cooled herself down. "You are," he said, grinning handsomely, not knowing the effect that it was having on her already accelerated heartbeat. "I dare say you and my sister would get along perfectly."Instantly, her eyes hardened but it quickly disappeared into scorn and arrogance. She scoffed, snapping her fan shut and dangling it from her slim wrist, pushing away from the stone railing and strolling down the wide balcony. "I do not befriend people like you," she said, stonily, glaring at him. "So do not dare even suggesting I befriend your sister or anyone here."He chuckled. "Then what are you doing here at this party?" he asked, in a flash, dangerously close behind her. "What are you doing talking to me?"She turned around and glared at him directly in the eye, a blush creeping up her cheeks. Flustered for a moment, she squared her jaw and muttered, "You, Ryuuto, are just a coincidence."With that, she spun on her heel and flicked open her fan, stomping off. Ryuuto laughed and sighed to himself, running a hand through his hair. This girl is playing with me, he thought, running after her.He adored the blush. He loved the way that she could be so demure yet so feisty and tough. Just like Miyuki. She was grinning triumphantly. She had seen the look of disbelief on his face when she had told him that he was just a random coincidence. She had a feeling that most girls did not dare to speak that way to his face. Most of them just giggled girlishly and stared then swooned. Truthfully, she had also felt like swooning but her upbringing told her that it was stupidly feminine and annoying. Not to mention, pathetic.She heard his footsteps pounding the ground behind her as he ran to catch up with her. As he stood right behind her, he had a thousand witty things to say to her but when she turned around to face him, his mind went blank. She was smirking. Something most girls of his social status didn't do as they were too shy and demure to do so. "Are you following me or is there someone you want to meet going this way?" she asked, mischievously.Dumbstruck by her boldness, he didn't know what to say. Sure he was following her. But not deliberately. Something drew him to her and no matter how beautiful and feisty she was, it annoyed him that he couldn't control himself and walk away. "Are you going to answer me or are you going to stand there with your mouth opened like a fish out of water?" With that, she gave a very, very girlish giggle and walked away, humming softly and twirling her fan. With her back turned and walking away, determined on leaving the party as to not draw anymore attention to herself, she cursed herself for having managed to catch his attention. Not that it was a bad thing. She just knew that she shouldn't be here but when she was dared, she never backed out!Darn that stupid Kusaka for suggesting AND playing Truth or Dare, she thought, plucking a flower from a nearby bush and sticking it into her curls. As she descended into the vast maze-like garden, she heard the orchestra strike up a flamenco beat and she twirled in time to the opening music. "Could I have this dance?" came the same silky voice that she was avoiding. Spinning sharply on her heel to face the sleek body that she would die to taste, she conjured up a sharp retort but he stood there charmingly, holding out his hand for her to take. Smiling softly as his persistence, she slipped her hand into his and he instantly swept her into his arms. "One dance. And then I'll have to leave," she muttered, pressing her fingers to his mouth to shut him up as he got ready to protest.He nodded, smirked gorgeously and then spun her around, her heels making a sharp sound against the marble floor. Thousands of things ran through her mind as he twirled her around and swept her effortlessly across the garden, hidden from the eyes of those in the mansion. Maybe except for a certain handsome dark haired male with the greenest eyes ever and the female of whom he doted on and protected to no end. Her bare leg brushed against his jean-clad one and she tingled in all places forbidden. As the music grew more intense, so did the passion in the dance and their feelings. His fingers ached to explore her whole body. Thank God he thought with his head and not between his thighs. Her lips ached to be pressed against his soft and full ones. Her fingers ached to run up and down his broad chest, clothless. His hair brushed against her fingers. Soft as silk. His eyes were filled with something other than lust and desire. A slight admiration. She also detected rationality.His lips ached to taste that length of creamy skin that she called a neck. His fingers ached to remove the pins that held up her thick mass of hair and run through them. The muscle between his thighs throbbed painfully but he kept his head. Her perfume although subtle, fueled by the lust in him was overwhelming. A mix of spring blossoms and vanilla. The passion died down-only slightly-as the music ended and couples drifted off the dance floor and the lone couple in the gardens stopped, mainly due to the female. "Thank you," he whispered, his hand lingering warmly on her slim waist. Her hands rested on his broad chest as she caught her breath. She tilted her head back to look into his very violet eyes. "You're welcome," she said, under her breath. Gently, she shoved him away and peeled his hands away from her body. "I need to go.""Wait-"But she was already gone, her heels left behind as she ran into the maze, never looking back. "-can I get your name?" Ryuuto finished, in a daze. "Oniisan!" Miyuki shouted, a big smile on her face. "Dare? Dare? Who? Who? Who was she?"Ryuzaki trailed behind the bouncy thirteen year old, a smirk on his handsome face. Ryuuto smiled and ruffled his sister's hair. "Honestly, I have no idea," he muttered, heading for the front door."Hey! Where are you going?" Miyuki demanded, childishly, propping her hands on her hips. "Home.""You can't go home now. Dad and Boobie will kill you!""So, help me," Ryuuto said, grinning at his sister. "Ryuzaki, you send her home safely. Untouched."His best friend nodded with a grin and a wink. Ryuuto kissed his sister lightly on the forehead and then departed, with the feisty, fiery female on his mind. ~Darn, it's too long to continue. Erm, this has been procrastinated time and time again. I apologize for the hanging and non-descriptive state of the story~ RieRieKSLyn
By post:
Seventeen is Forever
fabrication of a music video
Infatuated with Danger
By month:
June 2008
December 2008
Layout: Mary
Adapted from: refuted
Icon: refuted
Host: blogger photobucket
She writes from her heart and all pieces are original.
None are to be ripped, borrowed etc. without prior permission.
All pieces are copyrighted to her.
Borrowing will be granted for valid reasons.
Fall in love with words just as she has.
 Adopted Trees.